  • 學位論文


A Study of Constructing the System of the Warranty and Maintenance for the Construction Industry

指導教授 : 黃文星


隨著營建產業的日益競爭,業者為了提昇服務品質,已將服務內容跨足至原屬於建設公司所屬之範疇。本研究以台中市立穩營造作為研究個案,分析該公司客戶對保固維修服務品質之滿意程度。 本研究透過深度訪談法,獲得該公司提供給予現有客戶之服務項目,藉由問卷設計及人員調查方法,取得本研究所需要之原始資料。之後,透過Z檢定、單因子變異數分析及複迴歸分析,藉以檢定本文所建立之三項假說,最後,再運用「重要-表現程度分析法,IPA」找出業者應優先改善之服務項目。 實證結果顯示,不同房屋類型之住戶對於服務項目之重視程度大多出現明顯差異;不同購屋價格受訪住戶亦對六項服務內容抱持不同看法;此外,「與房屋有關的專業咨詢服務、「房屋保固維修的反應性」及「促進社區成員情感交流的服務」三項因素對於住戶推薦意願出現正向影響。最後,本文透過IPA,共得出立穩營造應優先改善的4項服務內容,分別為項目「項目13.應該於交屋時提供完整的房屋建造過程圖說」、「項目14.應該於交屋時提供適量的建材給予住戶備用」、「項目15.應該於交屋時提供所有施工包商的連絡電話」及「項目18.應該在交屋後提供主動且免費的定期房屋健診」。


The construction industry has expanded beyond its traditional services in order to improve customer satisfaction and to stand out within an increasingly competitive market. This case study analyzes how 20 different services in 5 categories provided by Topro Construction LTD Company impact customer satisfaction. The raw data for this study was obtained by in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and surveys. This study’s hypotheses were tested using the Z-test, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis. At last, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) was used to prioritize the services. The results show three categories positively impact customers’ recommendations: “Housing Related Consulting Service”, “Customer Service Responsiveness”, and “Promoting Community Service”. The results also show preferences among six services vary by customer housing price levels. In addition, preferences vary by housing type. The IPA results show Topro Construction LTD Company should prioritize the service improvements at the time the deal closes in this order: (13) house construction plans; (14) extra construction materials; and (15) contractor house information. The service with the next highest priority is (18) recurring free house inspections, which applies after the deal closes.


Recommendation intention Service quality IPA


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