  • 學位論文


Job Stress and Satisfaction of Caregivers in Infant Care Centers in Taichung City

指導教授 : 蘇秀枝


本研究旨在探討臺中市托嬰中心托育人員工作壓力與工作滿意度之現況及其相關因素。採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,以臺中市立案托嬰中心托育人員為研究對象,共發出問卷230份,有效問卷204份。所得資料以描述性統計分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及Pearson's積差相關等統計方法進行資料分析。研究結果顯示: 一、臺中市托嬰中心托育人員的工作壓力偏低,平均得分為1.94分,其中壓力感受以「工作負荷」為最大。 二、臺中市托嬰中心托育人員的工作滿意度偏高,平均得分為3.23分,其中以「人際關係」最讓托育人員感到滿意。 三、不同背景變項之托育人員工作壓力與工作滿意度差異情形: (一)不同年齡、學歷、婚姻狀況、有無子女、最小子女年齡、服務年資、職稱、有無兼任行政職務的托育人員在工作壓力上達顯著差異。 1.年齡30歲~39歲的托育人員,其工作壓力「工作負荷」、「班級教學」、「人際關係」及「整體工作壓力」層面上,顯著高於29歲以下的托育人員。 2.學歷專科以下畢業的托育人員,其工作壓力各層面及整體上皆顯著高於學歷大學以上畢業之托育人員。 3.已婚的托育人員,其工作壓力「工作負荷」層面顯著高於未婚之托育人員。 4.有子女的托育人員,其工作壓力「工作負荷」層面顯著高於無子女之托育人員。 5.托育人員之最小子女年齡越小,其「人際關係」層面的工作壓力越大。 6.托育人員服務年資越長,其「工作負荷」層面的工作壓力越大。 7.非保母教保人員之工作壓力各層面與整體皆顯著高於保母人員。 8.兼任行政職務之托育人員,其工作壓力「工作負荷」層面顯著高於未兼任行政職務之托育人員。 (二)不同年齡、職稱、有無兼任行政職務、師生比例的托育人員在工作滿意度上達顯著差異。 1.年齡40歲以上的托育人員,其工作滿意度「行政領導」層面上,顯著高於年齡30歲~39歲之托育人員。 2.保母人員其工作滿意度「工作環境」、「進修升遷」、「整體工作滿意度」層面上,顯著高於非保母教保人員。 3.兼任行政職務之托育人員,其工作滿意度「工作回饋」層面顯著高於無兼任行政職務之托育人員。 4.托育人員的師生比例越高,其「工作環境」層面的工作滿意度越高。 四、托嬰中心托育人員工作壓力與工作滿意度呈負相關。 本研究提出以下建議: 一、舉辦托育人員專業成長訓練營,本研究結果發現,年齡30歲~39歲的托育人員,其「整體工作壓力」、「工作負荷」、「班級經營」及「人際關係」層面的工作壓力顯著高於29歲以下的托育人員,此階段的托育人員為Katz(2002)所提出的幼師專業成長階段的「求新階段」。因此,建議托育人員和托嬰中心經營者,鼓勵托育人員間多接觸,交換經驗與心得,與其他地區的托嬰中心設立「托育人員研習營」,在研習過程中,相互學習一些技巧和方法,同時聘請嬰幼兒發展、托育相關課程和其他相關學科方面的學者專家來演講,使托育人員能從中有所獲益。 二、提高托育人員薪資福利,本研究發現托育人員最不滿意的是「薪資福利」,托育人員薪資所得與自己的工作付出相比顯然過低,因此,托嬰中心經營者與主管機關應當考量托育人員的薪資、福利等,給予合理薪資待遇的制定,提供托育人員有保障的工作環境。 三、落實托嬰中心行政組織與分工制度,本研究發現托育人員工作壓力最大的是「工作負荷」層面,其中以工作時間長、下班後加班、兼任行政職務及不定期舉辦活動最為多人感受到壓力。因此,建議主管機關輔助托嬰中心制定健全的行政組織,倘若托嬰中心要舉辦活動,應要有明確的分工制度,並在事後給予相對的報酬,如此可降低托育人員的工作壓力源,且能增加福利措施和優質的托育服務效能。


This study aims to investigate the current situation of job stress and job satisfaction of caregivers in infant care centers in Taichung City and related factors. The questionnaire survey method was adopted to collect data. The participants of study were caregivers in registered infant care centers in Taichung City. 230 questionnaires were sent out, with 204 valid questionnaires. The resulting data were analyzed with statistical methods such as descriptive statistical analysis, t test, ANOVA analysis, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The results are as show in the following. 1. The job stress of the caregivers in infant care centers in Taichung City is low, with the average score 1.94, among which "workload" is the greatest perceived stress. 2. Job satisfaction of the caregivers in infant care centers in Taichung City is high, with the average score 3.23, among which caregivers are most satisfied with "interpersonal relationships". 3. Differences of job stress of the caregivers with different backgrounds are as shown below. (1) There are significant differences on job stress in caregivers’ educational background, working years, titles, whether they have children or not, age of their yonugest children, and whether they serve administrative duties. i. In job stress of the caregivers aged 30-39, "workload," "classroom instruction," "interpersonal relationships," and "overall job stresss" are significantly higher than the caregivers aged under 29. ii. Job stress of caregivers graduated from college or high school is significantly higher than that of caregivers with a bachelor degree or above . iii. In job stress, "workload" of married caregivers is significantly higher than unmarried caregivers. iv. In job stress, "workload" of caregivers with children is significantly higher than caregivers with out children. v. The younger the age of the youngest child of caregivers is, the greater "workload" job stress will be. vi. The longer working years of caregivers have, the greater "workload" job stress will be. vii. Job stress of non-babysitter preschool educators is significantly higher than that of babysitters. viii. Job stress of caregivers concurrently serving with administrative duties is significantly higher than that of caregivers without concurrently serving with administrative duties. (2) There are significant differences on job satisfaction in caregivers with different ages, titles, teacher-student ratios, with or without concurrently serving with administrative duties. i. In "executive leadership," job satisfaction of the caregivers aged 40 years and older is significantly higher than that of the caregivers aged 30-39. ii. In "work environment," "training and promotion," and "overall job satisfaction," job satisfaction of babysitters is significantly higher than that of non-babysitter preschool educators. iii. In "work feedback," job satisfaction of the caregivers concurrently serving with administrative duties is significantly higher than that of the caregivers without concurrently serving with administrative duties. iv. In "work environment" and "executive leadership," the higher the teacher-student ratio among caregivers is, the higher job satisfaction will be. 4. Job stress and satisfaction of caregivers in infant care centers are negatively correlated. In this study, the following recommendations are proposed: 1. In this study, it is found that in organizing the professional growth training camp for caregivers, the job stress of the caregivers aged 30 to 39 is significantly higher than that of the caregivers aged below 29 on the levels of "job stress," "work load," "class management," and "interpersonal relationships." The caregivers in this phase are in the "novelty stage" in the growth stage of preschool educators proposed by Katz (2002). Therefore, it is suggested that caregivers and operators of infant care centers are encouraged for more contact and the exchange of experience and knowledge and the "caregiver training camp" should be established with the infant care centers in other regions. In the learning process, caregivers can mutually learn some techniques and methods; meanwhile, in the courses related to infant development and infant care, the scholars with related discipline backgrounds are invited to give a speech, allowing caregivers benefit from it. 2. Enhancing wages and welfare of caregivers. In this study, it is found that caregivers are most dissatisfied with "wages and welfare" according to the job satisfaction situation of the caregivers in the infant care center in Taichung City and obviously, caregivers’ wages are not proportional to their work contribution. Therefore, infant care center operators and authorities should consider caregivers’ wages and welfare to formulate reasonable wages and welfare and provide caregivers with an assured work environment. 3. Implementing administrative organization and division of labor of infant care centers. In this study, it is found that the greatest job stress of caregivers lies in "workload," among which most subjects feel the stress from long working hours, work overtime, concurrently serving with administrative duties, and unscheduled events. Therefore, it is recommended that the competent authorities need to assist infant care centers develop sound administrative organization; when infant care centers organize activities, there should be a clear division of labor and the rewards so as to reduce job stress sources of caregivers and increase welfare measures and childcare performance with high quality.




