  • 學位論文


The study of Tourist Hotel Applying “Cloudy 3D Dynamic Virtual Tour” in Virtual Experiential Marketing Model

指導教授 : 李素箱 楊文華


觀光飯店業者與顧客(尤其是外國旅客)之間,長期以來存在著對飯店環境與軟硬體設施資訊不對稱的問題。例如,傳統3D虛擬實境以廣角鏡頭拍攝時,常易造成影像型變與失真;又或因檔案過大而難以在網頁上瀏覽。為改善此現象,本研究以相片與實際建設藍圖,結合衛星照片所構建之3D動態圖像,並突破語言隔閡,建構出飯店網頁之「雲端3D動態實境導覽」,使全球旅客可透過該導覽之虛擬體驗方式,了解飯店軟硬體設施與週遭環境。 為驗證本研究所建構之「雲端3D動態實境導覽」虛擬體驗效益,本研究同時進行問卷調查,以瞭解透過「雲端3D動態實境導覽」影片是否可顯著提高受訪者對於感官體驗、情感體驗、思考體驗、行動體驗與關聯體驗等各項體驗行銷構面的感受程度。統計分析結果顯示,「雲端3D動態實境導覽」確實能提升上述各體驗行銷構面之感受程度,進而達到提升消費意願之結果。 依據質化與量化分析結果,本研究遂進行虛擬體驗行銷模式之情境式觀光網頁架構,建立C2B、B2B或B2B2C(消費者透過旅遊訂房網站再連接飯店資訊平台)平台之系統架構,藉此凸顯各飯店之經營特色與特定的主題價值,期使全球商旅遊客與旅行社能清楚掌握台灣觀光飯店之實際空間規模與各式軟硬體服務設施,達到增進國際旅客對於台灣觀光飯店之旅遊信心。 關鍵詞:體驗行銷、虛擬體驗、觀光飯店、雲端3D動態實境導覽


For the tourist hotel customers, especially for foreign tourists, they are often difficult to receive from the website complete information about the hardware facilities and the surrounding scenery of a hotel. In view of the above problem, this study proposed to improve the traditional 3D virtual reality techniques about the image distortion, which was caused by wide-angle lens and too large files. As a result, this study tried to construct a hotel’s website with the technique - “Cloudy 3D Dynamic Virtual Tour”, which combined together the actual photos, the blueprints of a hotel building, and the satellite photos of the surrounding environment around a hotel. Updating a hotel website with this technique could break through the language barrier so as to allow global travelers to investigate the hardware facilities and surrounding environment of a hotel. Furthermore, the survey outcomes in our study showed that “Cloudy 3D Dynamic Virtual Tour” could significantly promote the five types of respondents’ experience, including sensory experience, feeling experience, thinking experience, relating experience, and acting experience. That led to enhance the degree of effectiveness of experiential marketing. Based on the experiential marketing model with “Cloudy 3D Dynamic Virtual Tour”, this study designed a framework of situational tourism website for a case of hotel, into which the functions of C2B, B2B and B2B2C were embedded. The framework highlighted the operating characteristics and the value of a hotel, so the worldwide tourists, business travelers, and the travel agencies could clearly receive complete information about the hardware facilities and surrounding scenery of a hotel. Keywords: Experiential Marketing, Virtual Experience, Tourist Hotel, Cloudy 3D Dynamic Virtual Tour


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