  • 學位論文


A Study of Securities Firms to Extended the Wealth Management Business:Case Study in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


近幾年台灣證券市場趨於飽和加上市場規模有限,因此削價競爭成為券商間爭取客戶的最主要手段,但此結果卻導致證券業的營運與獲利每況愈下,因此擴增財富管理業務已成為證券業近年來極為重視的發展方向。本研究根據證券從業人員及銀行財富管理人員之專業判斷,以瞭解「投資人在選擇財富管理機構」時,其主要考量因素有那些;同時評估「證券商導入財富管理業務」時,其優勢與障礙各為何?本研究對證券業之從業人員及銀行理財專員進行問卷調查,共發出問卷225份,刪除無效問卷55份,計取得有效問卷170份。本研究結論與建議如下: 一、「投資人選擇財富管理機構主要因素」依序為:「專業素質」、「品牌形象」、「服務品質」與「交易平台」等四項;「證券業擴增財富管理業務優勢」因素依序為:「證券業業務擴增財富管理業務,商品更加多元化,有利客戶一站購足」、「證券業投資研究部門的分析能力有助於其發展財富管理業務」與「證券從業人員與客戶的黏著度高有助於其發展財富管理業務」。 二、應透過持續性的教育訓練,提升從業人員的「專業素質」,追求良好的「服務品質」進而建立起「品牌形象」,實為吸引投資人選擇其為財富管理機構之要素;另,應善用投資研究部門的分析能力,在與客戶高互動性的基礎下,提供客戶多元化商品,並滿足其一站購足的需求。 三、透過長期經營提高客戶的信任度,確實掌握客戶的財務狀況;經由瞭解市場的改變,從業人員的工作模式亦需跟進調整;及提高證券業財富管理業務服務的透明度。 關鍵字:證券業、財富管理、競爭優勢


競爭優勢 財富管理 證券業


In recent years, Taiwan stock market is approximately saturated due to its limited market size. Therefore, competition in brokerage fee among securities firms becomes the most important means for them to attract customers. However, it has led to drastically decreasing in profitability for the securities industry. Hence, the securities firms have attached great importance to develop wealth management services recently. In this study, we explore what factors influence investors to select an institution for their wealth management based on the information from the professional judgment of practitioners in securities industry and the wealth management personnel. And we also assess its strengths and weaknesses of a securities firm in developing the wealth management services. In this study, a survey was conducted via with a sample size of 225 employees in securities industry or bank financial consultants. A total of 170 participants completed a written survey. The conclusions and recommendations from this study are as follows: (a) the priorities among important factors for an investor to choose a wealth management company are professional quality, brand image, service quality and trading platform. The rankings in strength factors for a securities firm in developing the wealth management services is multiple services enabling customers one-stop shopping, analysis capabilities from securities research department contributing to its wealth management business development, securities experts being close to their customers contributing to its wealth management business development. (b) A securities firm should enhance employees' professional qualities and pursue a good quality of service to establish its brand image through continuing education and training. It will be the main reason why investors choose their wealth management institutions. In addition, it should make good use of the analytical ability of its securities research department and its high interactivity with its customers to provide customers with diversified products and meet their needs of one-stop shopping. (c) A securities firm should improve customer trust through long-term relation with its customers to really grasp customers’ financial situations. Its employees also need to understand the rapid changes in the current market and adjust their work styles. Also, a securities firm needs to enhance the transparency of wealth management services. Key words: securities industry, wealth management, competition advantage


Aaker,D.A.(1995),Strategic Market Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY.
