  • 學位論文


A Study about the Managerial Performance of Electrical and Machinery Industry in Taiwan-Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Financial Ratio Analysis and Factor Analysis

指導教授 : 戴錦周


摘要 自十八世紀從英國開始的工業革命後,社會的進步即取決於工業化程度,而在眾多的工業類型中,製造業尤為重要,不論是在營業額、公司家數及創造出來的就業人口都是最多,而在台灣地區股市分類中的電機機械類股公司更是遍佈在所有的製造業分類中。其中更以機械類族群為翹楚,目前台灣地區的工具機出口產量已是世界第三大出口國,也因為這些產業的發展帶動了台灣這個蕞爾小國能見於世界的經濟奇蹟。 然而在2008年全球因為雷曼連動債所引發的一連串金融海嘯,台灣也無法自外於其中,同樣也是受到海嘯的侵襲,造成了經濟的不景氣。 本文以台灣地區電機機械類股至2012年止共74家上市櫃公司,扣除資料不足5年的8家之後,共66家公司之財報資料,以資料包絡分析法,財務比率分析法及因素分析法進行2008年至2012年5年間的績效評估,用以觀察2008年之金融海嘯是否對該類股之後5年的經營是否造成影響,也希望經營績效評估能給投資大眾及經營者某些投資及經營決策上的參考。 關鍵字:經營績效、資料包絡分析法(DEA)、財務比率分析法(FRA)、 因素分析法(FA)


Abstract Since the industry revolution beginning from United Kingdom at eighteen century, social development depends on the level of industrialization. The manufacturing industry is especially important among all types of industry and contributes the most of total revenue, numbers of companies and employed population. Furthermore, the electrical and machinery companies in Taiwan stock market are distributed in all types of manufacturing industry, wherein the machinery companies are the best. Nowadays, Taiwan is already the third of the world for exports of machine tools. It also brings “the Taiwan miracle” to all over the world. However, the finical crisis of 2008 triggered from Lehman structured notes causes global economic distress involving Taiwan.This thesis gathers financial reports from 66 electrical and machinery companies, 74 electrical and machinery companies listed on the Taiwan stock exchange (TSE) or over the counter (OTC) excluding 8 companies for data insufficient, to study 5 years performance appraisal by data envelopment analysis (DEA), financial ratio analysis (FRA) and factor analysis (FA) between 2008 to 2012. Observing that whether the finical crisis of 2008 effects execution of these companies, and also trying to provide a reference for public investors and executives to make decisions. Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Financial Ratio Analysis (FRA), Factor Analysis (FA)


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