  • 學位論文


Professional Performance and Working Attitudes of Kindergarten and Preschool Teachers from Private School Owners’ Points of View

指導教授 : 蔡嫦娟


本研究目的在於了解私立幼兒園業者對幼教師及教保員專業能力及工作態度之評估分析,及不同學制所培育出的幼教師和教保員在專業能力及工作態度上之差異情形。研究以台中、彰化及南投地區的私立幼兒園主管或業者為對象,進行問卷調查,總計發出問卷的園所有356間,而回收狀況分別為:園所基本資料問卷219份、幼教師問卷189份,教保員問卷214份。 研究發現,在「專業能力」和「工作態度」上,幼教師和教保員兩者的平均數在t檢定中並無顯著性差異。而進一步以χ²檢定,幼教師和教保員在「專業能力」中有部分差異,分別為「可以自行設計符合幼兒發展階段的教學活動」幼教師填答「同意」的比例高於「教保員」,另外在「在教學活動設計上涵蓋認知、情意及動作技能的學習活動」,則是教保員填答「同意」的比例高於幼教師。但其他題項,則未達到顯著性差異。而在「工作態度」這部份中,則完全未有顯著上的差異。 若以培育機構區分,針對教育大學幼教師、科技大學幼教師及科技大學教保員為對象進行分析,呈現出的結果為;在「專業能力」部分,有四個題項是有顯著差異的:「可以自行設計符合幼兒發展階段的教學活動」和「在教學活動設計上涵蓋認知、情意及動作技能的學習活動」這兩個題項中科技大學幼教師,優於科技大學教保員。而「能隨時提醒幼兒生活禮儀的重要」和「能真心接納班級的每位幼兒,主動關心他們的需求」這兩個題項中則是教育大學幼教師優於科技大學幼教師及科技大學教保員,科技大學幼教師又優於科技大學教保員。因此,在專業能力的部分,不同學制所培育出的幼教師和教保員是稍有差異的,但在「工作態度」的部份,則沒有任何差異。


This study is conducted to understand the professional performance and working attitudes of kindergarten and preschool teachers from private school owners’ points of view, and to figure out the differences between the professional performance and working attitude of kindergarten teachers and preschool teachers who were cultivated by different educational systems. This study surveyed 356 kindergarten and preschool owners in Taichung, Changhua and Nantou areas. The returned questionnaires respectively were: 219 for basic data questionnaires, 189 for kindergarten teachers’ questionnaires and 214 for preschool teachers’ questionnaires. The results show, in the t-test analysis, there was no significant difference between kindergarten teachers and preschool teachers’ professional performance and working attitude in terms of the mean scores. In χ² analysis in the professional performance, the kindergarten teachers got a higher proportion in answering “Agree” in the "can be self-designed early childhood development stage teaching activities" than the preschool teachers. While in the "in the teaching activity design covers cognitive, affective, and behavioral skill learning activities", the preschool teachers got a higher proportion in answering “Agree” than the kindergarten teachers. However, in the other items, there was no significant difference between them. And in the "work attitude", there was no significant difference at all. To differentiate between education institutions operators, taking the kindergarten teachers of University of Education and University of Technology, and the preschool teachers of University of Technology as the groups for conducting analysis, the results can be concluded as following: In the " professional performance " section, there were some significant differences in the four items: among which "can be self-designed early childhood development stage teaching activities" and "in the teaching activity design covers cognitive, affective, and behavioral skill learning activities", the kindergarten teachers of University of Technology got a better score than the preschool teachers of University of Technology. While in the "can always remind the children of the importance of life etiquette " and "can truly accepts every child in class, and be initiative to care about their needs", the kindergarten teachers of University of Education better answered the question than the kindergarten teachers and preschool teachers of University of Technology, additionally, the kindergarten teachers of University of Technology also better than the preschool teachers of the same college. Therefore, in the "professional performance" section, there was slightly difference between the kindergarten teachers and preschool teachers who were cultivated by different systems. But in the "work attitude" section, there was no any difference.


