  • 學位論文


A Study of FWD processed food waste on sewerage system and water resources recycling center-An example of Taipei City

指導教授 : 羅煌木


隨著國民生活水平與消費能力的提升,所產生之廢棄物也隨之增加,其處理思維更是近年來關注的焦點。近年來政府積極倡導資源零廢棄的理念,將廢棄物達到資源能源化之目的,其中廚餘為高有機質之物質,具有再利用之潛力,但廚餘在目前國內一般廢棄物中仍然佔有30-40%,沒能有效處理,導致焚化爐效益降低、環境的髒亂、病媒蚊的孳生等二次為害。因此需尋找對環境衝擊較小且具有經濟價值的處理模式,達到資源零廢棄之目標。 本研究綜合實驗及調查,從環境的衝擊、垃圾處理系統、污水處理系統的影響和家庭使用成本之角度,深入探討廚餘絞碎機(Food waste disposal, FWD)處理模式在台北推行之可行性。研究結果顯示,使用廚餘絞碎機後未發現堵塞之情形,且與未使用FWD的管線比較發現,油脂殘留量較少,因廚餘絞碎機可將廚餘粉碎為粒徑< 5 mm之顆粒,附著於管壁內的油垢,將會受到較大的衝擊隨之排出,因此使用此處理模式將有利於管內沉積物的排出。 另外使用FWD時可有效的將廚餘從垃圾中分離出來,當使用率達50 %時,將可減少249.88 ton/ day的生活垃圾,減少每日焚燒成本22.61萬元/day,在使用廚餘絞碎機後,提升整體的低位發熱量,但垃圾減量多,整體評估下來如果普及率達50%時,每天將增加收益5,000元;在污水增加量上面,台北市污水處理廠剩餘的餘裕量為348,663 m3/d,使用率達100%時,將會增加24,708 m3/d 之生活污水,因此FWD的推廣將不會超出污水處理廠可容納之污水量;在污水有機物濃度增量的部分,使用率韃100%時,將不會造成八里污水廠對有機物處理的負擔;內湖污水廠與迪化污水廠,透過調和池進行調和,亦符合污水處理廠設計之標準。 使用廚餘絞碎機後,雖然會提高污泥處理成本,但相對的提高了沼氣的產量,因此推算下來,使用率50%時,八里污水廠可增加2.16萬元/day;內湖、迪化污水處理場可增加5.4萬元/day。廚餘經由下水道排放至污水處理廠,將受到污水的稀釋作用,提升水體中的有機成分,提高污水處理場的處理效能,也不會受到廚餘中油脂成分的影響,還能夠提高沼氣的產能。對於安裝FWD之家庭每月增加的水電費各別為,新台幣3.09元/人-月 與5.1元/人-月,將不會造成使用者的負擔。 關鍵詞:廚餘再利用、廚餘絞碎機、污水處理系統


With the upgrading of national living level and consumption capability, the amount of wastes also increases; hence, waste treatment is the concern in recent years. Currently, the government in Taiwan has actively initiated the concept of zero waste of resources and tries to transform the waste into energy. Among others, food waste is highly organic material which can be reused. However, at present, food waste is still 30-40% among general waste in Taiwan. It cannot be effectively treated and it leads to low effectiveness of incinerators, dirtiness and mess, and breeding of mosquitos. Thus, the treatment which has less impact on environment and economic value is required to accomplish the goal of zero waste of resources. This study combined experiment and investigation, from the perspectives of impact on environment, effects of waste treatment system and sewage treatment system and domestic use cost, to probe into the feasibility of treatment model of Food Waste Disposal (FWD) in Taipei. According to the results, after the use of FWD, there is no obstruction. In comparison to pipes without FWD, the remains of oil are fewer since FWD can smash food waste into particles with diameter < 5 mm. Grease on the wall of the pipes will be emitted by the force. Thus, the treatment model will enhance the emission of sediment in the pipes. In addition, FWD can effectively separate food waste from trash. When use rate reaches 50 %, FWD can reduce 249.88 ton/ day of living trash and lower daily burning cost 226,100 NTD/day. After using FWD, the overall low-level heating is increased, and the amount of trash is reduced. In general, if the prevalence rate reaches 50%, daily benefit will be added by 5,000 NTD. As to the increase of sewage, in Taipei City, remained capacity of sewage treatment plants is 348,663 m3/d. When use rate of FWD reaches 100%, living sewage is increased by 24,708 m3/d. Therefore, the implementation of FWD will not exceed the capacity in sewage treatment plants. As to the increase of concentration of organic materials in sewage, when the use rate of FWD is 100%, it will not cause the burden of organic material treatment in Bali Sewage Treatment Plant. Neihu Sewage Treatment Plant and Dihua Sewage Treatment Plant are processed by blended pool, and it matches the design standard of sewage treatment plants. After using FWD, mud processing cost increases; however, the output of marsh gas is also increased. Therefore, with the use rate of 50%, Bali Sewage Treatment Plant can increase 21,600NTD/day; Neihu Sewage Treatment Plant and Dihua Sewage Treatment Plant can increase 54,000NTD/day. By sanitary sewer, food waste is emitted to sewage treatment plant, and is watered down by sewage, thus increasing the organic components in water and enhancing the efficacy of sewage treatment plant. The use of FWD is not affected by oil in food waste, and can increase the output of marsh gas. For the families installed with FWD, the monthly increased water and electricity bills are 3.09NTD/person-month and 5.1NTD/person-month, which is not a burden for users. Keywords: Reuse of food waste, Food Waste Disposal, Sewage treatment system


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43. 台北市政府環境保護局,http://www.dep.taipei.gov.tw/
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