  • 學位論文


Performance Analysis of MES Software Development– A Case Study in MES Software Revision

指導教授 : 鄭宗明


製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System, MES)軟體之應用與客戶需求息息相關,因為其中有30-50%屬於客製化功能。台灣的電子產業為求降低製造成本,乃採用高度的自動化製造,也因此對MES之功能有更高的要求與依賴。 為了因應需求的更新速度,並滿足專案之時程要求,MES軟體開發公司皆以專案服務為第一優先,往往等不及將專案需求匯集後再納入新產品開之發計畫中。此外,由於受限於公司營運規模,亦難有一穩定之產品研發團隊來長期進行產品研發之工作。因此,如何彈性運用軟體開發人員,讓自身產品更新與客戶專案需求能夠同時進行,將是一個重要的研究議題。 本研究即探討個案公司為了因應新專案執行及新產品開發之同步發展,除採用傳統之軟體工程方法論進行軟體實作與驗證外,於開發初期更導入了包括技術地圖與狩野模型(Kano Model)等手法,以進行新產品開發之要項分析,使獲得於專案規劃初期即可將產品化需求一併納入考量之效果。 研究中,於專案需求討論初期即納入專案與產品團隊,透過討論與分析,將專案成果產品化之作業提前進行,提早掌握先期之產品化規劃,使於後續之專案執行期間,專案人員能參考到產品之需求而進行專案功能需求開發,以縮短產品團隊與專案團隊之認知落差,使專案執行之成果更接近產品開發之功能,可減低因重覆開發而浪費之30%至70%的時間。 上述之彈性產品開發模式在有經驗的人員帶領下,確實能夠將部份需求於專案開發過程即針對產品化需求預先做規劃,以減少未來產品化時將專案特殊需求剔除之重工份量。也因為產品開發人員之提前參與,專案需求之規劃也能有所規範。同時也可避免專案或產品開發人員因知識或經驗不足,開發出不適用或之功能,藉此降低公司投資風險。


Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) software is closely related to customer’s requirements with up to 30-50% customized functions. Taiwanese electronics industry is seeking to reduce manufacturing costs by means of a highly automated manufacturing mechanism, thus making the development of the MES functions more critical. In order to fulfill the requirements’ change and to catch up production schedules, MES developer will treat project service with the highest priority. However, it is impossible to take all project requirements into account and develop new software in time using current methods. In addition, due to the fact that small software company in Taiwan is difficult to expand and also to maintain a stable product development team. It is a great challenge to fulfill custom’s project requirements while keeping a flexible software developing ability. In this technical report, a new software development scheme will introduce technology roadmap and Kano model in the early stage planning for software development to ensure the key elements of the new requirements. An industry level case implementation is then conducted to verify the process. The results showed that the difference between project requirements and software product specification has been greatly shortened, and the time required for software developing is dropped 30-70% due to the elimination of the repeated works. The proposed method in this report has promoted a software developing concept, where experienced leadership should implement early stage planning with technical assistance. Such improvement can greatly reduce the risk of poor outcome quality due to inexperienced and short of knowledge of the project team member.


Software Engineering CIM MES Technology Roadmap Kano Model


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