  • 學位論文


Current Situation of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Curriculum at Chaoyang University of Technology

指導教授 : 蘇綉惠


自 70年代晚期至今,專業英文(ESP)在大學英語教學課程規劃中已逐漸扮演著不可或缺的角色。因此,隨著國際競爭力不斷攀升,培育兼具專業與英語人才的需求也成為高等教育的當務之急。本文旨在探討朝陽科技大學之各系所開設專業英文課程之需求落差,反思專業英文課程規劃的不足以及提出有效的建議。 主研究旨在探討科技大學師生對於實施專業英文課程的安排、上課所面臨的困難、協同教學的看法及專業英文課程未來期許等四個面向進行分析。 研究方法採用量化及質化研究法,量化研究採用自編「朝陽科技大學老師對於專業英文課程」及「朝陽科技大學學生對於專業英文課程」之現況調查,以2份問卷分別進行,研究對象為446位日間部學生以及17位專業英文教師所有資料均採敘述性統計分析進行分析,質化研究則採訪談法,篩選四個系所之專業英文教師及系主任並寄發訪談邀請函,總計六位教師及五位系主任參予此研究進行訪談,並匯整專業英文課程分佈現況等資料蒐集方式進行分析比較,依此檢視目前朝陽科技大學師生對於專業英文課程的需求和期望。 本研究結果闡述如下: (一)、專業英文課程實施現況上,師生兩者均認為開設專業英文課程 是有必要的,他們一致認為專業英文可以幫助英文能力的提 升。 (二)、專業英文教師教學時所面臨的困境主要為學生的英文程度差異 大、學習動機低落以及教學時間的不足,而學生所面臨的困難在於英文字彙 量明顯不足。 (三)、專業英文課程可以由專業英文教師與專業教師共同教授,可以 同時解決專業能力及英文能力的不足。 (四)、專業英文課程老師與學生也提出一些期許,例如:老師希望能給予專業教師相 關的培訓課程、研討會、小班制教學等;學生則期許可以加強語言能力。 最後,根據研究結果,針對專業英文教師、學校及未來研究者提出若干建議,期望能夠提升專業英文課程的內容。 關鍵詞:專業英文,專業英文課程,協同教學,英文能力,專業能力,動機。


English for Specific Purposes (ESP) plays an important role in technology and commerce which began in early 1960’s. ESP has become a key issue of English for Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and necessarily a required subject in higher education. This study attempts: (1) to explore how ESP instructors and learners perceive the ESP course arrangement meets the profession needs of learners through course design at the CYUT, (2) to realize ESP teachers and learners’ difficulties have encountered in the aspect of both teaching and learning, (3) to examine ESP instructors perspectives of team teaching and (4) to take instructors and learners’ expectations into consideration. The instruments conducted in this study are quantitative and qualitative. Researcher used self-made questionnaire based on literature review and a pilot study which distributed to 446 undergraduates and 17 ESP instructors from the College of Humanities and Social Science, College of Informatics, College of Science and Engineering and College of Management. The collect data were further analyzed with descriptive statistics. The study also conducted semi-structured interview with 5 heads and 6 ESP instructors, as well as course content in four departments to find out the efforts. The findings of the study were listed as the follows: First, both ESP instructors and learners agree that it is indispensable to offer ESP course at CYUT. It shows that offering ESP courses can enhance learners’ English proficiency. Second, the findings indicate that there are several difficulties revealed by the ESP instructors such as learners’ varied English ability, de-motivation and limited class hours. On the other hand, it is found that the learners are in urgent need of vocabularies of ESP course. Third, ESP courses should incorporate in subject and language courses. Therefore, they can compensate the shortage in order to upgrade each other. At last, several expectations foster concern with ESP instructors, such as giving the relevant training courses, is extending the instruction hours and small size class. Learners hope to improve their language proficiency, especially reading skill. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions for frontline ESP teachers, school administration and researchers are discussed at the last section of the study. It anticipates that ESP instructors can adjust course planning in accordance with the pedagogic content of a university of technology. Keywords: ESP, EFL, Curriculum, Course Design, Team teaching, Instructor, Learner.


Team teaching Learner Instructor Curriculum Course Design EFL ESP


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