  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer Ethnocentrism and Written Language Types on Advertising Communication Effectiveness:An Example of Cross-Taiwan Straits

指導教授 : 黃文星


在兩岸政府的推動下,兩岸在經濟及文化交流上日漸頻繁,市面上更充斥「台灣製(Made In Taiwan)」及「大陸製(Made In China)」的產品,但在兩岸卻甚少出現對方字體(簡體/繁體)的平面廣告。本研究欲了解繁、簡兩種字體的平面廣告是否會因消費者民族意識及字體書寫方式之不同,廣告溝通效果是否因而出現差異,並進而影響購買意願。 本研究以鞋子及巧克力作為實驗產品,研究對象涵括大陸北京302位消費者及台灣台中349位消費者。研究結果顯示,兩岸民眾在民族意識程度與廣告溝通效果上皆呈現明顯不同的差異。此外,在北京使用簡體字的廣告溝通效果會比使用繁體字來得更加有效果;反之,台中使用繁體字的廣告溝通效果則會比簡體字來得更加有效果。最後,本研究發現台中與北京消費者相較之下,台中消費者較具消費者民族意識,影響所及,台中消費者較喜歡繁體字的平面廣告,廣告溝通效果較佳,購買意願也較高;反之,北京民眾的消費者民族意識相對較低,較容易接受進口產品,對於進口產品的購買意願相對較高。


Under the two governments’ efforts, economic and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and China become more frequently. The markets are flooded with more "Made in Taiwan" and "Made in China" products, but the two sides seldom appear another font (Simplified / Traditional) print ads. This study wants to discuss if two writting types(traditional and simplified) of the print ads and consumers’ ethnocentrism will influence the effectiveness of advertising communication and therefore affect consumers’ purchase intention. In this study, shoes and chocolate as the experimental products, the study investigated three hundred and two consumers of Beijing in China and three hundred and forty-nine consumers of Taichung in Taiwan. The results showed that of the degree of consumer ethnocentrism and advertising communication effects appeared significant difference between the people on cross-strait. In addition, the print ads using simplified writting type can produce more communication effects of advertising than the one with traditional Chinese characters have in Beijing; Conversely, the print ads using traditional Chinese can acquire more communication effects of advertising than the one with simplified characters in Taiwan. Finally, this study found Taichung consumers are more consumer ethnocentrism, as a result, Taichung consumers prefer traditional print ads, advertising communication effectiveness was high, the willingness to buy product is also high. On the contrary, the consumer ethnocentrism is relatively low in Beijing, people were easier to accept imported products, and purchase intention is relatively high.


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