  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship among User’s Personality traits, Flow Experience, Customer value and Behavior intentions: A case study of LINE in the instant Messaging

指導教授 : 林孟璋


現今社會因科技進步、資訊發達,使得人與人之間感情聯繫經由最早的線路電話、近期的手機到近幾年盛行的智慧型手機。而由於智慧型手機的盛行與普及化,走在路上隨時可發現人手一機的現象。透過APP提供的免費程式,使用者無須負擔通話費就能與對方進行打字聊天,還可利用手機進行免費語音聊天,導致產生了所謂的”低頭族”及”文明病”。 面對沉浸的影響,有人卻能自我管理,不受誘惑,有人卻無法拒絕沉浸。因此本研究透過人格特質、沉浸經驗、顧客價值及行為意圖來探討四個構面間之相互影響,並以台灣地區使用過LINE通訊軟體之使用者為樣本,共計發放430份問卷,回收413份。共計回收率達96%,而扣除無效問卷等之有效回收率則達95%。透過有效樣本進行項目分析、信效度分析、因素分析、迴歸分析、t檢定與Pearson相關分析。結果發現: (1)人格特質對沉浸經驗有正向顯著影響。 (2)沉浸經驗對顧客價值有正向顯著影響。 (3)顧客價值對行為意圖有正向顯著影響。 (4)人格特質對顧客價值有正向顯著影響。 (5)人格特質對行為意圖有正向顯著影響。 (6)沉浸經驗對行為意圖有正向顯著影響。


Nowadays due to advances in technology, advanced information technology, making the emotional connection between people through the earliest line telephone, the recent wireless phones to smartphones in recent years. As the popularity of smart phones, walking on the road at any time can be found a phenomenon that everyone have a smart phone. By APP''s free program, the user can not pay any call charge chat with each other, but also use the phone to make free voice chat, resulting in the so-called " Smartphone Addicts" and "diseases of civilization." For the Flow effect, someone was able to self-management, not into temptation, but someone can’t do it. Therefore, this research through the Personality traits, Flow experience, Customer value and Behavioral intentions to explore the four dimensions of the mutual influence between. This research took who had used LINE communication software of the user in Taiwan as a sample, a total of 430 questionnaires distributed, 413 were recovered. By effective sample item analysis, reliability and validity analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, t-test and Pearson correlation analysis and found that: 1. The Personality traits have a positive significant impact on Flow experience. 2. The Flow experience has a positive significant impact on Customer value. 3. The customer value has a positive significant impact on Behavioral intentions. 4. The Personality traits have a positive significant impact on Customer value. 5. The Personality traits have a positive significant impact on Behavioral intentions. 6. The Flow experience has a positive significant impact on Behavioral intentions.


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