  • 學位論文


A Study of figure-ground perception in Chinese typography design

指導教授 : 王桂沰


漢字圖地反轉是一種將文字間的筆劃關係產生聯結,進而使其虛實的空間產生反轉的現象,同時又能傳達文字的內容意涵,在視覺感受上不僅增添吸引力,更發現原本純視覺欣賞的圖地反轉因漢字富有的字義特色而顯得更具玩味性。本研究從相關文獻當中,探索漢字與圖地反轉的發展與相關案例,尋求兩者間的結合性,並將案例進行分類,再歸納適用於漢字圖地反轉的組合方法。 本研究透過文字與漢字圖地反轉的案例分析後,認為「漢字筆劃」及「字形組合」是構成圖地反轉的兩大要素,藉由這兩大要素歸納出四種組合方法:漢字筆劃間的連字編排組合、漢字筆劃間的解字包圍組合、漢字筆劃間的共享反轉組合、漢字筆劃輪廓線的透視反轉組合,並以此做為設計創作基本手法,應用於海報、識別應用品、T-shirt等設計上。 創作的過程中發現,漢字的構成與圖地反轉的原理在實際創作中面臨許多問題與限制,因此,需取樣適當的字文來表現設計主題,圖形的添加不能過度複雜而影響文字的表現,需兼顧漢字結構的完整性與圖地反轉的表現。


圖地反轉 漢字 字文設計


Applying figure-ground perception to Chinese typography design is a way that makes connection between character strokes, and further reverses its perceived hollow/full spatiality. This kind of typography design conveys the meaning of the character, while at the same time brings attractiveness to the design. Figure-ground illustrations that are originally admired for its graphic presentations became more intriguing because of the distinguishing feature of Chinese characters. This paper reviewed cases of Chinese typography design and figure-ground perception, sorted out their correlativity, and generalized several ways of applying figure-ground perception to Chinese typography design. In this paper, we found that “strokes of the characters” and “combination of shape” are the two critical elements of applying figure-ground perception to Chinese typography design. Furthermore, there are four general methods to correlate the two, including “strokes connecting between characters”, “characters deconstructing and surrounding”, “strokes sharing and reversing”, and “perspective stroke contours and reversing”. These methods can be adopted as the basic design concept, and further apply to posters, identification products and T-shirts. While making actual designs, we faced difficulties and limitations of applying figure-ground perception to Chinese typography design. We concluded that the character should be appropriately chosen to carry out the theme; also, the graphic shouldn’t be too complicated to steal the visual focus of the characters; last but not least, the design should be presenting both the full structure of a Chinese character and the idea of figure-ground perception.


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