  • 學位論文


Design Thinking of the Community Industries and Configuring Value for Culture

指導教授 : 諸葛正


自文建會(2012年改制為文化部)於1994年提出社區總體營造政策開始,以「地方文化」做為文化存續、地方發展的策略,推動至今近二十年,是否達到「開拓社區生機與活力」的效益呢?2002年,在文化被視為產業,列入「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」的範疇後,也多集中在文化產業化或量化文化的經濟價值,卻很少關於文化價值的討論。 面對全球化與工業化帶來的環境問題、與文化單一化的危機,「資訊化、生產性、全球化標準」將被「環境、地區、農業、個性」所取代,人類生活發展得改以從在地生活文化與價值認同著手。有別於「文化創意產業」偏向創意加值的主流論述,與居民生活連結的社區產業反倒正視過去批判資本主義造成資源浪費與虛假需求的不正義環境。原創的力量來自生活,來自歷史文化、更來自土地,只要一點點創新思維、深度的故事挖掘,就能呈現在地特色與自信,還能協助青年返鄉創業,活化在地經濟。 社區的能量有賴產業來延續,社區產業當以在地生活為主,其經濟價值應該是由文化的價值來決定。若只從經濟產值去計算與衡量文化產業,就是一個失去個性、趨於同質化的地方,只會再度走回代工產業的老路。一個以人為本的地方產業發展,必須從純粹的經濟產值轉移至在地生活中人們的共識與價值認同。本研究嘗試以人為中心的設計思維(Design Thinking),深入文化脈絡與生活脈絡,探究在地文化與產業發展的相容性與延續性,透過文獻的資料蒐集與實證分析,對所欲探討的層面理出架構。 將視角拉高來看社區產業,可以發現:從勞動、消費、食物供應、休閒生活、歷史文化,都來自都會周圍的鄉鎮,當代鄉村既是經濟的生產空間,也是大眾的消費空間。而資源社區的轉型,除了地方內外的連結之外,生產與消費的連結也是重要的方式,尤其「城鄉交流」更是活絡地方經濟重要的關鍵。本研究由社區產業看到鄉村的再發展,也觀察到社會企業造就在地產業的新意象,期望藉由設計思考跨領域的整合視角,找出形塑區域特色及價值創新的詮釋方式,藉以認識社區產業的創意框架與雛形,開發出打動人心的文化價值創新之可能空間。


It has been two decades since CCA (The Council for Cultural Affairs, transformed into the Ministry of Culture in 2012) proposed community development policy in 1994, where "local culture" has been taken as cultural survival and local development strategies. However, does the policy enhance and benefit the community vitalities? Even in 2002 when culture had been since viewed as industry and been listed in the “Challenge 2008: National Development Plan”, there was too much focus on the cultural industry or quantifying the economic values of culture, but rarely a discussion about cultural values. Facing the environmental issues and cultural homogenization crisis generated by globalization and industrialization, "information technology, productivity and global standards" will be replaced by "environmental, regional, agriculture and personality"; hence the human life would be able to be transformed from the living culture and values identities. Unlike "cultural and creative industry" where creative bonus biased mainstream discourse, the community industry linking local people confront their past criticism on capitalism, which leads to an unjust world of waste of resources and false needs. Originality strength comes from real life, from history and culture, but also from the land. With just a little bit of creative thinking and touching local stories, people will see the local features and pride, and that would help young people go back home to create new businesses and activate the local economy. Community energy relies on the industry to extend; local life is supposed to dominate the community industry; its values should be determined by the cultural values. If it is only calculated and measured by the economic values, it will lose the individuality, and will become homogeneous; and hence, it will once again go back to the old foundry industry. A human-centered development of local industry must be changed from a purely economic output to the consensus of the people''s value recognition. We tried to study human-centered design thinking (Design Thinking) with in-depth cultural context and life context, and to explore the local cultural and industrial development compatibility, as well as the continuity. With data collection, literature and empirical analysis, we desired to explore the structure of the issues. Viewing the Community industry from a higher perspective, we can find that, labors, consumers, food supply, leisure life, history and culture are all generated from the surrounding towns. Contemporary villages are now both the economic production place, but also the mass consuming place. The transformation of community, in addition to local and external links, the links between production and consumption is also important; "urban and rural communication" is the key to stimulate local economy. This study aims to see the further development of rural villages from the viewpoints of community industry; it also perceives how enterprises help create new local rural images. This study, with the interdisciplinary integration perspective of design thinking, tries to identify the new interpretation for regional characteristics and innovative values, so as to understand the creative framework and prototype of community industry, and the possibilities to discover the touching innovative cultural values.


1.Bernstein, J. (Ed.),1991,《The culture industry: selected essays on mass culture / Theodor W. Adorno》,London:Routledge。


