  • 學位論文


Research on Work Values, Salary, Working environment , and training of Medical Technologists in Laboratories in Taichung Area

指導教授 : 楊智超


在人類漫長的七十五年生命旅程裡所遭遇的各種恐懼當中,病痛與面臨死亡恐懼感尤其令人動容;昔日的醫療恐懼除了擔心生命是否遭受威脅之外,更在就醫的過程中摻雜了一些由於對診斷治療程序缺乏資訊所產生的莫名情緒,然而在今日--藉由醫療團隊的相互合作與相互制衡這兩股力量之運作,病人在就醫過程中不應該再受到這種無知而生的恐懼感所威脅,出錢診病的病人是醫院賴以生存的衣食父母,所以確保病人就醫過程中是否受到正當的醫療行為、以及病人對自己病情『知的權利』是否得到足夠之解釋管道,就成為醫院經營者所努力改善的經營目標。而想要落實上述兩項病人權利之行使,就必須透過醫療團隊之間『相互合作』和『相互制衡』這種既友亦敵的兩面關係才得以達成,但醫檢師在兩者比較之下,無論社會地位及收入都較無法與醫師相提並論。 本研究是針對醫檢師育成、進入工作職場及未來進修乃至對社會貢獻等等過程,普羅社會大眾對其觀感導致其職場價值之影響,也以問卷方式可反映出社會對此職業之價值觀和未來期許,也希望可忠實反映相關此職業對社會深遠之貢獻。


Of all the various fears in the long 75 years of human life journey, disease and the fear of facing death exceed all. In the past, medical fears include the threatening of life and the disturbing fear from the lack of information during diagnosis and healing procedures; however, today, due to the cooperation and containment between medical teams, patients should no longer be under the threat of such fear caused by ignorance. Patients are paying customers to hospitals; therefore, making sure patients are treated properly and their rights to knowledge is fulfilled by the proper channels have become the operating goals of hospital managers. In order to implement the above patient rights, the cooperation and containment between hospitals and the both friendly and hostile relationship are necessary. However, medical examiners are no match to physicians in either social status or income. This research focuses on the cultivation of medical examiners, the entering into work field, the pursue of future education, and the contribution to societies. It also studies the view of the public towards it and the effect on its career value. Questionnaires are used to reflect the social values and future expectancy of this career, hoping to faithfully show the far and deep contribution this career has on the society.


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