  • 學位論文


Explore the Hepatoprotective Effect of Taiwan Herbal Tea with Wedelia Chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. and the Prospect of the Children''s Health Food Development

指導教授 : 嚴金恩


研究背景:衛生署近年來公布國人十大死因,肝病一直名列其中。許多研究顯示黃花蜜菜具有保護肝臟的功能,在臺灣較少對黃花蜜菜與保護肝臟的關係進行人體研究,因此,本研究目的為探討飲用含黃花蜜菜之青草茶後是否能降低血清中肝指數、膽固醇、三酸甘油酯和空腹血糖的濃度,更進一步瞭解其與生活習慣、壓力、飲食和運動之關係。 研究方法:以臺中市18~22歲大學生進行研究,實驗組飲用含黃花蜜菜之青草茶、對照組飲用未含黃花蜜菜之青草茶。所有受測者都於白天飲用青草茶,一次飲用240 mL,一天一次,連續飲用7天,共7次。兩組在飲用期間,均採ㄧ般飲食,並於實驗進行第一天及第八天早上空腹採集靜脈血4~5 mL,同時收集飲用青草茶期間之生活習慣、壓力、飲食和運動方式的問卷。 研究結果:本研究收案總人數為41人,大學生體脂肪異常比例高,女大學生體脂肪偏高比例高於男大學生;不管飲用含有黃花蜜菜之青草茶或不含黃花蜜菜之青草茶,其護肝的效果不顯著,但兩種飲品都有降低血清中三酸甘油酯和膽固醇濃度之功效;由生活型態問卷來看,受測者吃宵夜、吃油炸物、喝含糖飲料、吃高鈉食物、吃零食和常熬夜比例高;多吃零食會升高血清中膽固醇的濃度;多運動會促進血清中三酸甘油酯濃度下降;熬夜會減緩血清中三酸甘油酯濃度下降。 結論:不管是否含有黃花蜜菜之青草茶都有降血清中三酸甘油酯和膽固醇濃度之功效,對時常熬夜、吃宵夜且攝取高油、鹽、糖者有顯著改善之效果,可提供做為降血脂保健飲品研發之參考。


Background: Liver disease has been ranked among the ten leading causes of death by the Ministry of Health and Welfare for many years. Many research supported that Wedelia Chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. is a useful medicinal herb with significant hepatoprotective effect. In Taiwan, few studies discussed the relationship between Wedelia Chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. and hepatoprotection in human subject research. Thus, the present study aimed to examine whether the Taiwan herbal tea with Wedelia Chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. can decrease the level of serum liver index, cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar. Further, we investigated the relationships among the biochemical level of serum liver index, cholesterol, triglyceride, blood sugar and some lifestyle properties such as living habits, stress, diet and exercise. Methods: The participants were 41 college students(aged 18~22 years) in Taichung. They were randomly allocated to experimental and control groups. The experimental group (n=25) took the herbal tea containing the Wedelia Chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. and the control group (n=16) took the herbal tea which did not contain the Wedelia Chinensis (Osbeck) Merr.. Each participant drank the herbal tea in the morning, at a dose of 240 mL, once a day, for 7 consecutive days. Both groups were on regular diet during the experimental period. In the morning of the first day and the 8th day, the researcher collected the 4~5 mL fasting venous blood of each participant to examine the biochemical level of serum liver index, cholesterol, triglyceride and blood sugar. The information of living habits, stress, diet and exercise were collected during the experimental period. Results: The study included 41 college students. The results showed that high proportion of these college students had abnormal body fat proportion. The proportion of high body fat is greater in the female student group than in the male student group. Regardless of drinking herbal tea with or without Wedelia Chinensis (Osbeck) Merr., no significant difference was found on its hepatoprotective effect between the experimental and control group. But serum cholesterol level and serum triglyceride level were significantly lowered in both groups. According to the lifestyle questionnaire, high proportion of our participants were having late night dining, eating fries and drinking sugary drinks, taking high-sodium foods, eating snacks, and staying up late. Eating too much snacks will increase the serum cholesterol level. Doing appropriate exercise is associated with lower serum triglyceride level. Staying up late often may slow down the decreasing of serum triglyceride level. Conclusions: Regardless of containing the Wedelia Chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. or not, drinking the herbal tea in both groups significantly lowered the serum cholesterol level and serum triglyceride level. The study also found that drinking Taiwan herbal tea may improve the health for people who usually stay up late, with midnight snack intake habits, and with high intake of high-calorie, high-sugar, and high-salt foods. The finding can be a reference for future research and the development of health food or drink with lipid-lowering effects.


林秀娟(2003)。高血脂防治手冊 國人血脂異常診療及預防指引。台北市:行政院衛生署國民健康局。
