  • 學位論文


From the perspective of life insurance industry to discuss current situation of the development of bancassurance

指導教授 : 施懿純


根據中華民國保險商業同業公會統計資料顯示,我國壽險業於2009年銀行保險通路的初年度保費收入正式超越了傳統業務員通路且高達了一半以上占了63.15%,由此可看出銀行保險通路的日趨重要性,也是目前一個不容小覷的保險行銷通路。   本研究採用深度訪談法,選出四家具有代表性的壽險公司,並對各家壽險公司的高階主管個別訪談,透過訪談了解對銀行通路的挑戰與想法,訪談主題分為壽險公司的商品策略、權責劃分、法令規範、通路成本、經營風險,針對這五大主題加以分析研究。   研究發現,目前台灣的銀行保險市場仍然是銀行較為強勢,因為銀行提供的通路皆有一定的優質業績,導致壽險公司都以價格競爭的方式進入銀行保險市場,且因為創新商品很快就被同業模仿,所以壽險公司皆都不願花成本開發新商品。而也因為目前銀行保險市場為紅海市場,所以在商品策略上皆沒有甚麼分別。當保險糾紛發生時,銀行內部會先自行解決,解決不了才會轉由壽險公司處理。而現行法令規範的個資法,因適用的範圍為全金融業,所以對銀行保險影響較小。


保險 銀行保險 通路


According to the statistics released by the Life Insurance Association of the Republic of China (LIARC), in 2009 bancassurance has formally exceeded the traditional sales agency channel as the number one business volume contributor, with a percentage of 63.15% of all life insurance industry’s first year premium. It shows how increasingly important a role bancassurance plays, and why this insurance distribution channel should not be underestimated With individual in-depth interviews, top executives from four representative life insurers were invited to express their opinions on the challenges and prospects of bancassurance. Topics of interviews include life insurers’ product strategies, division of responsibilities, laws and regulations, distribution costs, and management risks. This thesis is the presentation of the study and its analysis. It is the findings of this study that banks are still in a stronger position in the local bancassurance market because they provide a channel that produces certain quality business, which results in price competition among life insurers as they strive to enter the market. And since innovative products are always imitated very soon by the counterparts, life insurers are no longer willing to spend the expense for product innovation. Furthermore, the current bancassurance market is virtually a red-sea market, so there are no different product strategies at all. When insurance disputes occur, banks will try to solve them internally as the first step, and a second step will only be taken by transferring to life insurers when banks cannot reach the solution. As for the existing regulations of Personal Information Protection Act, its influence to bancassurance is comparatively small because its scope includes the whole financial industries.


insurance channel bancassurance


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