  • 學位論文


Identification And Treatment Of Parasitic Pathogens In Sewage Sludge

指導教授 : 王順成


污泥處置近年來已成為愈發重要的環境問題,目前國內大多以衛生掩埋或焚化進行處理,但污泥中含有許多有機質,基於永續發展的想法,希望可以達到污泥再利用之效用。然而都市污水系統中含有大量的人類與動物腸道之致病菌,現代處理方法雖然可使大多致病菌,如細菌或病毒失去活性,但調查顯示污水污泥中仍含有各類寄生蟲蟲卵。 本研究以飽和硝酸鈉離心漂浮法建立寄生蟲卵之檢測方法,此法是利用飽和硝酸鈉之比重將較輕之蟲卵懸浮在表層,經重複的離心步驟將含蟲卵之液膜蒐集起來觀察,另本研究針對中部三家生活污水處理廠之污泥,偵測其寄生蟲病原菌、重金屬含量,以及瞭解回收再利用於農地之可行性。目前已發展出之病原菌用於檢測污泥中之寄生蟲卵檢測方法,結果十分穩定且具實驗操作容易、分析時間短、再現性佳等優點。三家生活污水處理廠搜查之污泥其污泥病原菌試驗中經121℃ 10分鐘熱處理之污泥均無發現到寄生蟲卵存在,顯示此方法可滅絕寄生蟲卵。三家生活污水處理廠中部分處理廠重金屬均超過行政院農業委員會公告之有機質肥料標準,再利用於農地前應先降低重金屬濃度至合格範圍。 關鍵詞:污泥、熱處理、寄生蟲卵


熱處理 污泥 寄生蟲卵


Sludge treatment has become the important environment issue in the last few years. At present, sludge is treated by either sanitary landfill or incineration or both ways in Taiwan. Owing to there are a lot of organic matters in sludge, it is better to recycling use sludge based on the standpoint of sustainable environment. However, sludge may contains many heavy metals and pathogenic organisms etc., thus affects the possibly recycling use of sludge. Therefore, this experiment inspected sludge samples collected from three domestic sewage treatment plant in Taichung City to evaluate does the sludge suitable for recycling use in agricultural land. We used the method of saturated sodium nitrate to centrifuge float and isolate parasites’ eggs contained in sludge. This method, based on the differences in specific gravity, could make the parasite eggs floated on the surface liquid layer after centrifugation. These parasites’ eggs were then collected and identified under stereo microscope. We also analyzed the heavy metal content in these sludge samples. The results showed the method we used to collect parasites’ eggs is stable, easy, less time-required and well reproducible. Heating sludge 121℃ for 10 minutes could eliminate parasites’ eggs completely, and can be used to eradicate the parasites in sludge. Nevertheless, the content of heavy metals in all sludge samples exceeded the limit issued by organic fertilizer standard, Executive Yuan, Taiwan. More studies shall be made on the method to reduce the heavy metal content in sludge to beneath the above requirement before the sludge can be recycle-used in agricultural land. Keywords: sewage sludge, parasite pathogen egg, heating treatment


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