  • 學位論文


The Analysis on the Business Model of Tea Exhibition Center – A Case Study of the Indigenous Selling Station in Renai Township, Nantou County

指導教授 : 黃文星


摘要 隨著經濟發展及所得提高,國人從事休閒的意願隨之提高,每年前來仁愛鄉清境農場的觀光遊客人數高達百萬人以上。本研究選擇遊客進入仁愛鄉各風景區必經主幹道上面的仁愛鄉農會原鄉驛站展售中心作為研究對象,針對該驛站進行自我分析,以得出該驛站的優劣勢;之後,復針對該驛站進行PEST 環境分析、SWOT 分析以及商業模式。 分析結果顯示,該驛站擁有九項優勢、八項弱勢、六項機會與四項威脅,本研究根據SWOT矩陣內容,為該驛站規劃出三項策略。之後,再針對該驛站現有之商業模式內容,增列兩群目標客戶、兩項價值主張、兩種顧客關係、兩類型通路、兩群關鍵伙伴、三項關鍵資源以及四項關鍵活動,透過商業模式之調整與創新,期能提升該驛站之競爭力,以利該驛站未來之經營。


Abstract With the economic development and income increase, the willingness of the people engaged in leisure increase. The number of tourists who go to Qing-jing farm is up to millions each year. In this study, we select the indigenous selling station of Renai Township as the caset, and then analyze the superiorities and inferiorities of the indigenous selling station. After that, we carry on PEST environmental analysis, SWOT analysis and business models. The results show that the indigenous selling station owns nine strengths, eight weaknesses, six opportunities and four threats. According to the contents of the SWOT matrix, this study plans three strategies for the indigenous selling station. After that, we also add two groups of target customers, two value propositions, two kinds of customer relationships, two types of channels, two kinds of key partners, three key resources and four key activities to the existing business model. With the help of the adjustment and innovation, we hope to enhance the competitiveness of the indigenous selling station in order to facilitate the operation in the future.


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