  • 學位論文


The Cemetery Memorial Space Planning and Design.

指導教授 : 沈永堂


以往礙於風水與傳統觀念的迷思,居民認為這些納骨空間會造成不好的困擾,所以產生排斥的行為,但殯葬設施固然是每個人日後所需,是一處服務性質的空間,隨著都市的擴張,土地資源必有損耗,最後生者被迫與死者共居一區,面對這樣的未來,找尋都市與墓園和平共處、和諧共存的方法是人們所需要重視的。 本設計是以臺中市市立殯儀館原址,做為都市中的生命紀念場域的規劃設計,針對安葬空間提出不同以往的環境;嘗試以追憶空間與療癒空間置入於安葬空間中,創造生者與往生者的回憶互動,以及讓生者面對及修復身心靈情感,做為本設計首要之主軸。 透過本設計的整體規劃,重新讓民眾審視全新的納骨設施,藉由建築設計、景觀設計及創新追思空間的導入方法達到以下目的:一、置入追憶空間,使家屬能和已故之人回憶起曾經相處的時光;二、設置儀式空間,提供各種宗教的活動使用;三、提倡永續發展,導入多元自然葬法,提升視覺感官的舒適與美化效果。 本設計之成果,是提供一處高舒適度的安葬空間環境,不僅打破刻板印象,也帶給一般大眾及送葬家屬一個新型態的視覺感官,不再是如同傳統冰冷、生硬又陰森之厚重感,而是一片春意盎然的都市之肺。最後,因死亡產生的負面情感,與納骨設施的既有刻板印象改觀,進而促進生者與往生者的連結,藉由建築的轉介點去反思,讓大眾體認死亡的意義更深植人心,也將在這份土地上傳承下去。 關鍵字:墓園設計、追憶空間、療癒空間、創新納骨設施


In the past, because of the feng shui and the traditional concept of myth, residents think that these space will cause bad bone, so the exclusion of behavior, but the funeral facilities is not for everyone in the future, is a service space, with the expansion of the city, the land resources must be depleted, the last survivors were forced to live with the dead area, in the face of such a future, to find the peaceful coexistence of urban and cemetery, harmonious coexistence is the people need to pay attention. The design is based on Taichung City, the funeral home of the city site, as the city's life in the memorial field planning and design, for the burial space to propose a different environment: try to recall space, healing space into the burial space, interact with the memories of the living and past ,and let the people face and repair the physical and mental feelings, as the design of the main spindle. Through the overall planning of the design, afresh the people look at the innovative columbarium, through the architectural design, landscape design and innovative memorial space to achieve the following objectives: First, into the memory space, that the family can remind the memories with dead perosn. Second, setting up ritual space, provide various religions activities. Third, promote sustainable development, the introduction of multiple natural burial law, to enhance the visual sensory comfort and landscaping effect. The final result of this design ,is to provide a high comfort of the burial space environment, not only to break the stereotype, but also bring the general public and the funeral family of a new type of visual senses, not as traditional cold, stiff and dark sense. But a spring of the city's lungs, and finally, because of the negative emotions of death, and the columbarium, both stereotypes change, and thus promote the living and the past links, through the construction of the point of reflection to reflect The public to recognize the meaning of death deeper into the hearts of people, will also be inherited in the land. Keywords: Cemetery design, Memorial space, Healing space, Innovative columbarium.


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5.林木泉譯、Charles A. Lewis著,2008,《園藝治療入門》,洪葉文化,台北。
