  • 學位論文


A Study on Cultural Context of Din-Tao in Qieding

指導教授 : 歐聖榮


「陣頭」一詞韌起於民間信仰的宗教活動中。位於台灣西南沿海一隅的茄萣,是一個以漁業發跡的海濱小鎮,起自荷治時期的數百餘年來,茄萣地方居民在此安居樂業,虔誠且堅毅地謹守先祖所流傳下來的風俗信仰,並依照四季更迭舉行不同宗教活動。茄萣地區形形色色的陣頭,儼然已根植於地方社會,成為地方生活中的一部分。茄萣地區的日常生活與信仰、宗教活動及「陣頭」息息相關,而「陣頭」這個因信仰而衍生的表演團體,見證了茄萣地區的發展歷程,時至今日,每當有宗教活動舉辦時,仍舊是全村總動員,組成各式各樣的陣頭,增添了宗教儀式的熱鬧氣氛,形成了茄萣地區特有的地方文化。 茄萣的陣頭活動據史料記載已有百餘年時間,它除了呈現民間充沛的生命力之外,在地方社會亦蘊藏了豐富的歷史文化意涵,並呈現於生活、地域及人際關係上,深具地方特色、集體記憶及社會意義。 本文立基於質性研究,並採用深度訪談法及文獻回顧法等資料蒐集方式,期望能瞭解茄萣地區陣頭深層的文化涵構,及陣頭與在地居民生活如何鏈結,對他們的生命思維造就何等價值,並拓展其文化意涵及社會、宗教、生活意涵等,期望對陣頭背後所隱含的實質效益及文化意涵能夠做出全面性的統整。本研究以茄萣地區的陣頭為研究對象,研究結果將其文化涵構區分為:(一)教育禮俗、(二)常民生活、(三)宗教信仰、(四)地域情感等四大向度。 文末提出三項建議:1.文化涵構之單一向度研究深化,2.對比不同區域之陣頭的文化涵構,3.陣頭文化產業化的可行性評估。且藉由訪談過程的觀察去反思:1.陣頭與地方社會,2.陣頭之於參與者自身的生命思維,兩項價值的評析,以及3.研擬發展策略之相關建議。


宗教活動 陣頭 文化涵構


「Din-Tao」began in the religious activities of Taiwan's folklore religion. Qieding is a seaside village in southwest Taiwan. Residents made a living by fishing in early era. From the Dutch period to nowadays, ordinary people have lived happily and held a variety of religious activities with season changes.「Din-Tao」has rooted in local society, and become a part of their daily life, and it has witnessed the development path of Qieding. Whenever the religious activities are held, residents will organize Din-Tao to make it more hilarious. In other words, Din-Tao forms regional culture of Qieding. According to the literature, Din-Tao in Qieding has existed for more than one hundred years. It shows stronger cultural lifeline in folk, and also contains rich historical and cultural significance. It presents in daily life, regional and interpersonal relationships. It has great potential on local specialties, collective memory and social implication. This study is based on qualitative research. Data was collected by depth interview and documentary analysis. It is expected to find out the deep cultural context of Din-Tao in Qieding, how Din-Tao linked to local daily life, altered their life thought, and also extended its cultural, society, religion, life and cultural significance. The study results indicated that cultural context of Din-Tao in Qieding included four dimensions: (1) Education and Etiquette, (2) Ordinary living, (3) Religious belief, and (4) Regional affection. Three suggestions were put forward at the end of this study. First, it is needed to delve into the single dimensions of cultural context of Din-Tao in Qieding. Second, comparison of Din-Tao context in different area can be done in future studies. Third, feasibility analysis of developing cultural industries of Din-tao is needed to be evaluated. Finally, the study also commented on (1) the relation between Din-Tao and local society, (2) the life thought between Din-Tao and its participants, and (3) the development strategies.


