  • 學位論文


Recognizing the key factors of In-App purchase in game applications

指導教授 : 陳隆昇


隨著網際網路的普及,智慧型手機及平板電腦等行動裝置和應用程式的大量推出,造就了行動裝置作業系統(Android、iOS、Windows Phone)的一大商機,也為其軟體業者帶來廣大的市場與競爭力。其中遊戲類App為最多使用者使用及下載的類別,Juniper公司預測,在遊戲市場中,行動遊戲的收入到2020年將達到整體收入的3.5成(約360億美元)。在此競爭環境中,遊戲App開發商該如何設計出符合使用者需求且可以吸引使用者下載、持續使用並在App內進行消費,是值得關注的議題,特別是在目前遊戲App主要收益模式為遊戲內部購買(In-app purchases)的情況下。因此,本研究主要目的是以行動服務相關研究文獻來試圖定義影響遊戲App內部購買之潛在要素,再利用支持向量機遞歸特徵消除(SVM-RFE)、最小絕對壓縮挑選機制 (LASSO)、決策樹(DT)、神經網路修剪(Neural Network Pruning)與卡方檢定( test)特徵選取方法,以確認影響遊戲App內部購買的重要因素,研究結果希望能為遊戲開發商與研究學者做為參考之依據。


With the popularity of the Internet, mobile communications services and handheld devices, it led to explosive development in mobile applications (App). Related researchers also noted that game applications are the biggest source of revenue compared to other applications. New data from Juniper Research has found that the mobile games industry will account for ever increasing contributions, with a market share approaching 35% by 2020. Therefore, the game App providers need to know how to design products that match consumer’s needs, continued use and do in-app purchase are important issue. In particular, in-App purchases is the major revenue models. Hence, this study attempts to define the potential factors of influencing in-App purchases for game users. Then, we use five feature selection methods, Support Vector Machine-Recursive Feature Elimination (SVM-RFE), Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), Decision Tree (DT), Neural Network Pruning and Chi-square test ( test) to identify important factors that affect users in-App purchases behavior. The findings can be used as a reference when designing game Apps for game developers and researchers.


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