  • 學位論文


The Research on Brand Strategy and Establishment of Taiwanese Chain Restaurant-The Case Study of Akaoni Steak

指導教授 : 王桂沰


隨單身、頂客族與就業婦女的人口比率上升,外食人口不斷增加,餐飲業為臺灣地區連鎖品牌中新增品牌家數最多的業種,穩定成長並且趨勢往大型化、連鎖化與國際化發展。在全球環境市場趨開放與生活格調的提升下,資材的取得與分享變得容易,市場區隔界線顯得模糊,而消費者追求不只有形的商品本質,更為重視騷情賦骨的感官經驗,是一種無形的價值與服務,其核心價值便是「品牌」。 本研究旨在探討赤鬼炙燒牛排的品牌形象現況及未來如何強化與建立之策略研究,因此以檢驗品牌形象中對核心價值(企業使命與品牌願景)、品牌組合(提高品牌間的差異度)、競爭品牌(解決面臨的問題),共三個向度之範圍研究,由產學實習合作計劃(民國105年9月至106年5月,共9個月),深入企業瞭解核心價值與經營模式對於品牌形象之影響,藉由David A. Aaker強勢品牌資產之研究方法,擬定形象策略建立之方針 ; 並選定王桂沰教授提出的符號聚焦分析步驟統整本研究企業之核心架構與品牌形象之符號聚焦分析,實際應用於行銷設計。 本研究發現個案面臨以下問題:消費者與業者對於品牌知名度的形象產生落差 ; 品牌的忠誠度無明確維護策略且品牌聯想低,因此以下列之設計做法進行形象建立——以日本武士社會經典代表,家徽的傳統紋樣設計方法(產製符號義)串連而強化日本戰國武將的品牌故事敘述,整體性地應用於品牌識別設計,以此貫徹視覺系統中符號的組成,強化品牌的精神。藉由較高單價新品項——乾式熟成沙朗牛排推出,因勢乘便策劃十二週年慶與其他設計周邊產品,希望藉此打破品牌過去固化的中低階層消費形象 ; 並搭配貴賓卡的建立,有助於了解客群的消費習慣,提升忠誠度與拓展新的訊息傳遞溝通管道。


With the scale up of the single, dink and career woman, more and more people eat out. The restaurant industry is on the top of newly-established chain brands in Taiwan. Stable growth, maximization, franchising and internationalization have been the tendency of the future. With the tendency toward an open global market and the enhancement of lifestyle, it is more and more easy to obtain and share information with others, and the line between market sectors has been blurring. Consumers not only search for tangible products but also pay more attention to emotional experience, an intangible value and service with the core value named “brand”. The Case Study of Akaoni Steak aims at conducting research on its current image and proposing a rebranding strategy for improvement. Therefore, an industry-university co-op research project (from 9/1 to 5/31, 2016) was established to examine Akaoni’s core value, brand portfolio and to locate its competitors in order to find out the impact of these all on its brand identity and image. The study revealed some branding problems: there is a drop of brand impression between consumer and brand owner; No way to maintain the customer's brand loyalty, and there is a low brand association. Therefore, a new design program was launched: a traditional Japanese kamon was designed and applied to present its narrative, and was implemented throughly to form a strong visual system. The Japanese warrior culture thus strengthened the spirit of brand identity. A twelfth anniversary event and a new high-end product were launched to displace the low-level brand image of the past. A VIP Service System was designed as well, to gather the customer's consumption data for better communication and to enhance brand loyalty.


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