  • 學位論文


Consumers need to have the cognition of genetically modified food(GMF)and the desire of purchase.

指導教授 : 陳宗玄博士


摘 要 隨著生活型態的改變,大眾每天總是忙碌於工作而忘記自己的健康飲食。因此,基因改造食品(genetically modified food (GMF))就此產生,且消費者希望這類的健康食品是天然的且對身體有益處。 經由政府機關許可,基因改造食品(genetically modified food (GMF))便可在市面上販售。但消費者對於基因改造食品(genetically modified food (GMF))的安全性仍有疑慮。值得注意的是,我們所吃的各類食品、蔬果都來自不同產地,從原物料採收、食品製造、加工過程、包裝流程、市場銷售、甚至到供應到餐桌上的美食佳餚,基因改造食品(genetically modified food (GMF))都有可能標示不實或偽造。不只是外食族,連在家自己料理的人都有可能將這些食品吃下肚。 探討社會大眾對基因改造食品(genetically modified food (GMF))的認知與購買意願,研究發現如下: 1. 消費者對於基因改造食品(genetically modified food (GMF))是有部分了解,但對其對健康所造成的風險卻不太清楚。 2. 大部分的消費者對於基因改造食品(genetically modified food (GMF))食用後對身體健康疑問。




Summary With the change of lifestyle, the public is always busy and hard-working every day and they don’t notice their health. Thus, the genetically modified food (GMF) food’s origination, consumers hope that the healthy food is natural and has some benefits to our body. Through the government permission, the genetically modified food (GMF) can be sold in the market. Consumers doubt of the safety of the genetically modified food (GMF). But it doesn’t have any conclusions about the chronic risk toward the human body. But, it is noteworthy that we eat all kinds of food, vegetable from different original, from raw material harvesting, food manufacturing, processing, packaging process, marketing and even the meal on the table, the genetically modified food’s ingredients are false and fake. People not only eat outside but also eat at home are probably to eat these products. The study shows that I explore the public’s cognition of genetically modified food (GMF) and the desire of purchase. I have two points: 1. Consumers have some realizations about the genetically modified food (GMF), but they don’t understand the risk toward our health. 2. Most of the consumers don’t trust the genetically modified food (GMF).


江福松(2003),"消費者對基因改造食品標示認知與接受程度分析(Ⅰ) ",國科 會專題研究計畫成果報告。
江福松(2004),"消費者對基因改造食品標示認知與接受程度分析(Ⅱ) ",國科 會專題研究計畫成果報告。
江福松(2005),"消費者對基因改造食品標示認知與接受程度分析(III) ",國科 會專題研究計畫成果報告。
王希平(2004) 基因改造食品管理之相關法律問題研究:
