  • 學位論文


Design an Innovative Business Model for the Professional Sporting Hosiery Industry- In the View of a Start-Up

指導教授 : 楊文華 李素箱


台灣織襪產品過去曾榮登台灣製品輸往美國之數量第一名,然而,因台灣2002加入WTO及2012年美韓FTA生效後,訂單大量流失,為台灣織襪產業帶來巨大衝擊,迫使該產業逐漸進入夕陽產業之列。而本研究為重新打造台灣織襪品牌價值,擬透過產業環境掃描及評估後,從運動織襪新創企業之觀點,規劃強調「保護功能」之高機能性運動織襪產品,並以“O2O”電子商務模式概念,落實「產品服務系統 (PSS)」,擘劃其創新商業經營模式如下: 1.目標顧客:30歲以上愛好路跑、並有固定路跑習慣之企業白領階級; 2.價值主張: “For the Most Critical Moments”(與您一同面對最艱難的挑戰); 3.通路途徑:運動軌跡紀錄APP軟體暨交流平台; 4.顧客關係:利用話題行銷以及關懷行銷策略建立與顧客之緊密關係; 5.關鍵活動:建構一套運動織襪產品與服務之整合系統 (PSS; Product and Service System); 6.關鍵資源:4M─包括 Man-Power(人員), Machine(設施), Method(技術), Material(物料); 7.關鍵伙伴:核心目標顧客、運動路跑明星與特約運動愛好者、具備運動傷害防護專業知識之人員、路跑賽事廠商、部分程式的外包開發商。 透過上述創新商業經營模式之實踐,希冀打造該新創企業獨一無二之產品定位;同時提供個人化服務,發揮「門徒式品牌價值」,使該新創企業能在嚴峻商業環境中成長茁壯,再創台灣織襪產業第二春。


In the past, Taiwanese hosiery once took the first place among all products which made in Taiwan and exported to the U.S. However, Taiwan's hosiery industry suffered a series of huge impacts since Taiwan took part in WTO in 2002. Especially, the FTA agreement between Korea and the U.S. made a fatal attack on Taiwanese hosiery, supplanted by foreign competitors and finally downgraded as a sunset industry. To re-build the brand value of Taiwan's hosiery industry, this study, assuming a case study of a start-up, focuses on developing the high-end sporting hosiery, characterized with the function of injury prevention. By referring to Osterwalder and Pigneur (2012), this study makes business scanning and evaluation so as to design an innovative business model for a start-up in the professional sporting hosiery industry via Online-To-Offline (O2O) Commerce to elaborate the function of “Product Service System (PSS)”. The key elements of the innovative business model derived from this study are as follows: 1.Customer Segments: the white-collars with 30-year-old and above, who enjoy the routine road running; 2.Value Proposition: “For the Most Critical Moments” ; 3.Channels: the athletic tracking APP with social networking service; 4.Customers Relationships: adopting the buzz marketing and caring marketing strategies to keep close relationships with its customers; 5.Key Activities: building a product service system (PSS) for the business of high-end sporting hosiery, characterized with the function of injury prevention; 6.Key Resources: the resources required for implementing the key activities of this business model, including 4M: man-power, method, machine, and material; 7.Key Partnerships: core customers, sport-star, athletic trainer, developers and managers responsible for the athletic tracking APP with social networking service. Based on the foundation of unique product positioning and PSS, this study proposes an innovative business model with the above 9-elements. Hopefully, this pilot study, in the view of a start-up, can lead to create the “Apostle Brand Value” and build a benchmark for re-constructing the reputation of Taiwan's hosiery industry.


