  • 學位論文


Effect of Baby Yoga on Infant’s Physiology and Parent-Infant Interaction

指導教授 : 嚴金恩


研究背景與目的:在印度,瑜伽是一項全民運動,剛出生時嬰兒就接觸瑜伽,嬰兒瑜伽在印度如同每天洗澡同樣重要,嬰兒從小就開始接觸瑜伽,進行身心靈的活性啟蒙,由此可知瑜伽受重視程度。目前大多研究年齡層為兒童、產後婦女、老人等;尚無針對嬰兒瑜伽的研究,故本研究目的為探討寶寶瑜伽對嬰兒生理發展及親子互動的影響。 研究方法:本研究為立意取樣,將符合收案條件的研究對象,分為實驗組與對照組,每組各為10人,共20位嬰幼兒為受測對象。對照組無寶寶瑜伽課程介入,實驗組寶寶瑜伽課程介入時間共為期五週,每週一次,每次60分鐘,利用前後測來比較寶寶瑜伽對嬰幼兒生理層面、親子互動情形及粗動作與精細動作狀況是否有差異。 結果:瑜伽課程介入,在寶寶每日喝奶次數、每日喝奶量、每日平均睡眠時間、媽媽每日陪伴寶寶時間、每日進行親子互動時間、每日進行瑜伽活動時間及粗動作的發展,實驗組均顯著高於對照組;在寶寶每次入睡所需時間、每晚醒來次數、感冒至痊癒天數,實驗組均顯著低於對照組。 結論:寶寶瑜伽能幫助寶寶生理與粗動作的發展也能增加親子互動。


Background: Yoga is widely practiced across India. A large number of newborns are exposed to yoga when they are only a few days old. The introduction of yoga is meant to create a sense of union in body, mind, and spirit. A majority of current studies on yoga are targeted at children, postpartum women and the elderly, with little to no focus on baby yoga. To fill this gap, the aim of this study was to examine the influence of baby yoga on the physical development of newborns as well as parent-child interactions. Methods: This study used purposive sampling, with 20 subjects evenly split into two groups: experimental and control group. In the control group, the babies did not participate in any yoga classes, whereas babies in the experimental group received five-week yoga training (comprising 60-minute weekly sessions). Pre- and post-tests were performed to determine the effects of baby yoga in the dimensions of physical development, parent-child relationships, and gross and fine motor skills. Results: Our results provide evidence that yoga practice benefits babies in the following aspects: number of feeding times, amount of milk consumption, average hours of sleep, the hours a mother spends keeping her baby company, and the duration of parent-child interactions on a daily basis, as well as the development of gross motor skills. With regard to the length of time a baby falls asleep, the number of times a baby wakes up at night, and the number of days a baby needs to recover from a cold, the experimental group also fared much better than its counterpart. Conclusion: Baby yoga helps babies develop physical coordination and gross motor skills, and enjoy more parent-child interaction. Keywords: baby yoga, physical development, parent-child interaction


