  • 學位論文


A Study of Parent-Child Restaurants in Taichung City

指導教授 : 嚴金恩


中文摘要 研究背景:近年來外食人口增加,親子主題餐廳提供親子友善的環境,及專屬幼童餐點;然而親子主題餐廳所提供的兒童餐多以雞塊、薯條等高熱量、高脂肪的食物為主,同時蘊含其高油、高鹽,此外蔬果量提供較少;各家業者均有各自不同的經營及行銷方式,提供的環境及親子友善設施也不同。研究目的為了解親子主題餐廳之特色、經營與行銷管理,及餐點與環境等現況之情形。 研究方法:本研究將母群體43間親子主題餐廳經分層隨機抽樣,抽取台中市12家親子主題餐廳為研究對象,以問卷調查瞭解親子主題餐廳之現況,與收集餐廳菜單,並針對兒童餐點進行秤重,分析其餐點食物內容、營養成分與熱量。 研究結果:本研究結果顯示,多數親子主題餐廳有提供嬰幼兒用座椅(12間)、遊戲區(11間)及哺乳室/育嬰室(9間)、親子廁所(9間),部分則會舉辦相關的親子活動及課程(7間);餐點訂價約落在50-400元之間;裝潢主題設計風格多以童趣風(7間)為主,餐具使用多以美耐皿材質的兒童餐具(7間)為主。兒童餐點多以提供炸雞塊、薯條等油炸類速食,以及義大利麵、燉飯等主餐,同時每份餐點多數會搭配濃湯、飲料、甜點等。兒童餐點其平均熱量、脂肪、鈉、維生素A及維生素C之供應,皆高於1/3膳食營養素參考攝取量(Dietary Reference Intakes,DRIs); 六大類食物之平均供應量為不均衡,蔬菜類低於每日飲食指南之建議標準,油脂與堅果種子類則高於每日飲食指南之建議標準。 結論:親子主題餐廳提供各項親子友善設施、遊戲空間與兒童餐飲服務;親子主題餐廳所提供之兒童餐點,其熱量、脂肪與鈉供應高於建議標準,六大類食物供應不均。親子主題餐廳應多供應新鮮的蔬果類,及減少供應高油鹽食物,使幼兒能夠攝取均衡營養,以促進幼兒健康之成長。 關鍵字:親子主題餐廳、兒童營養、兒童餐點


Abstract Background: In recent years, dining out has become an integral part of our lifestyle. Parent-Child Restaurants, which offer a child-friendly environment, have gained increasing popularity among parents. However, many of these restaurants emphasize the provision of food that is cheap and quick to prepare, which includes foods that contain high fat, excess sodium, and too much calories, such as chicken nuggets and French fries, and insufficient supply of vegetables and fruit; each restaurant has its own business model and marketing strategy. The objective of this study was to understand the characteristics, operations, marketing management, menu items, and environments of family restaurants. Methods: The current study conducted stratified random sampling among 43 Parent-Child Restaurants in Taichung, selecting 12 of them as research subjects. Questionnaires were distributed among the selected restaurants to better understand their menu design and operating conditions. The specialized children’s meals available at each restaurant were weighed and their components, nutrition, and calorie count analyzed. Results: This results of this research revealed that out of the parent-child family restaurants investigated, 12 has booster seats or highchairs for children, 11 had play areas, 9 had breastfeeding rooms, 9 had family bathrooms, and 7 hold events and classes for parents and children. The cost of food at these restaurants fall between NTD 50 to 400. Out of the restaurants surveyed, 7 restaurants had interior decorations catering to children. There were 7 restaurants who offered children eating utensils made from melamine resin. The results indicate that Parent-Child Restaurants provide deep-fried food, such as chicken nuggets or French fires, and carbohydrates, such as pasta or risotto, as main courses. Served alongside the main meals are creamy soups, beverages, and a variety of desserts. As a result, the intake of calories, fat, sodium, and vitamins A and C each meal exceeds the recommendations in national guidelines (known as Dietary Reference Intakes,DRIs) by 33%; there was a nutritional imbalance between the six major food groups: vegetable servings were below the recommended number of daily servings while oils from nuts and seeds exceeded the recommended daily amount. Conclusion: Parent-child restaurants provide a variety of family friendly facilities, play areas and services catering to parents and their children. The specialized children’s meals provided by Parent-Child Restaurants in Taichung contain a higher quantity of calories, fat and sodium than is recommended for children, and are not balanced in terms of the six food groups. It is suggested that Parent-Child Restaurants provide young diners with more vegetables and fruit, and less high-sodium, high-fat food. A balanced diet contributes to the overall life-long health and growth of children. Keywords: parent-child restaurants, child nutrition, children’s meal


朱華、黃春子、白美娟、鄭秋真(1993)。塑膠食品容器衛生安全評估(Ⅰ)聚氯乙烯類之調查。藥物食品檢驗局調查研究年報,11,246 -256。
