  • 學位論文


Research on Self - Protection and Defense of Copyright Litigation

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


摘 要 由於訴訟過程經常是曠日廢時、涉及因素繁雜眾多,當事人必須耗費龐大資源(如時間、精神、金錢等),而訴訟結果又不確定,在訴訟冗長的時間中經常因而貽誤商機,因此許多著作權人最終選擇息事寧人、不繼續追究的態度,此舉使得侵權事件層出不窮,惡意侵權之案例時有所聞。本研究係就著作權訴訟之相關影響因素加以探討,並以實際案例引證論述。本研究結論與建議如下: 一、重視事先防患:即著作權人應善用公開發表與登錄,雖現行著作權法賦予著作人於著作完成時享有著作權,然著作權係屬私權,故若發生著作權爭議時,有關著作人舉證責任及方法即至為重要,故如能透過公開發表對未來侵權舉證之證據力,當較易為法官所採信。 二、採取訴訟為維權手段:影響訴訟勝敗與否,與委任律師的適切性(專業與經驗)、證據保全、舉證攻防皆有重要影響,因此每項因素皆須慎重為之。此外,如涉及龐大商業利益時,也可採彈性酬勞給付方式(即勝訴律師可獲得高額賠償金的部分比率),此舉可激發律師勝訴之高昂戰鬥力,對案件勝訴有極大正面影響。 三、和為貴、儘速解決以確保商機:如侵權方有善意和解表示,則可考慮互讓一步,以協商方式解決爭議,否則訴訟曠日廢時,商機也因此貽誤,最終即使勝訴,所獲賠償可能也得不償失。 四、以訟止訟,勿迷信旁門左道而自誤:切勿迷信於某特定有力人士(如某角頭大哥、某位擁有良好上層司法關係人士)可以為自已出面擺平,以為可藉勢各種旁門左道快速擺平一切糾紛,甚至獲致可觀之賠償金,但最終可能自誤而遭致更大損失或傷害。 關鍵字:著作權、訴訟、自保與防衛、證據保全、舉證責任


Abstract The litigation process often wastes a lot of time and involves in numerous factors that litigants have to spend huge resources (including time, spirit, and money). Besides, the litigation result is uncertain that it could easily miss business opportunities in the long litigation time. For this reason, a lot of copyright owners eventually choose to forgive and forget. Such an attitude results in continuous infringement that malicious infringement cases occur from time to time. This study intends to discuss the factors in copyright litigation and cite discussions with real cases. The research conclusions and suggestions are summarized as below: 1.Stress on prior prevention: Copyright owners should well utilize publicity and registration. Although an author is endowed with copyright, by current Copyright Law, after completing the work, copyright is a private right that the author’s burden of proof and method are extremely important when the copyright dispute occurs. In this case, the evidential effect of publicity on the future proof of infringement would be more easily accepted and believed by judges. 2.Adopt litigation as the right means: The relevancy of attorneys (profession and experience), the perpetuation of evidence, and the burden of proof defense are the key success factors in litigation that each factor should be carefully considered. Moreover, when large commercial interests are involved, flexible remuneration (i.e. winning lawyers could receive a proportion of the high compensation) is also applied. Such a move could excite the lawyers’ fighting will to win and present great positive effects on winning the case. 3.Ensure business opportunities with harmony and rapid solution: When the infringing party presents the good-will of reconciliation, both parties could take give-and-take into consideration to solve disputes with compromise. Otherwise, the waste of time could affect the business opportunity and the compensation might not be able to cover the loss. 4.End litigation with litigation, prevent superstition from making mistakes: Do not believe in specific powerful people (e.g. a gang leader, a person with good relationship with senior judiciary) being able to make the settlement, rapidly settling all disputes through all sorts of back doors, and even receiving considerable compensation. It could result in larger loss or damage. Key words: copyright, litigation, self-protection and defense, perpetuation of evidence, burden of proof


郭雨嵐、范曉玲著,專利侵權之證據保全與保全程序,經濟部智慧財產局,2007年2月2版,p. 16。
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