  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 曹永慶


摘要 本研究之目的在探討踩踏意象及其在踩控類產品設計上之應用可行性。具體內容由四部分構成。第一部分為先透過踩踏事例之調查,分析踩踏概念之結構。第二部分為以踩控型電扇開關之設計為例,分別針對結構化後之不同踩踏型態之踩踏事例,進行意象轉化,設計不同類型之踩控開關,並實施意象測試,分析電扇開關之踩控意象結構,以及踩控開關與踩控意象間之對應關係。第三部分為分析踩控型電扇開關之踩控動作意象與「好用」評價間之因果關係。第四部分為設計出「好用」評價較佳之踩控型電扇開關,進行意象測試驗證。各部分之主要結果歸納如下: 第一部份:踩踏概念之結構 踩踏概念主要由「先向下再變換為連續性水平方向施加力量的動作」及「間斷且向下施加力量的動作」所構成。「先向下再變換為連續性水平方向施加力量的動作」包含了「扭轉」及「滑動」兩種踩踏型式,均為踩下之後,再做出移動的動作;而「間斷且向下施加力量的動作」則包含了「擠壓」及「拍踏」之兩種踩踏型式,踩踏方式是始終不變方向地由上往下施加力量。 第二部份:踩控型電扇開關之踩控意象結構 踩控型電扇開關之意象結構,可由表示踩控時難易程度之「繁複地---簡易地」因素,及表示踩控時急迫、從容等心情感受的「急躁地---悠閒地」因素所構成。 第三部份:不同踩控型電扇開關與踩控動作意象之對應關係 不同類型的踩控開關,因機能方式產生不同之踩控意象。「滑動及拍踏」群開關,意象傾向於「簡易地」且「悠閒地」;「扭轉」群開關,意象傾向於「簡易地」且「急躁地」;「擠壓」群開關,意象傾向於「繁複地」且「急躁地」。 第四部份:踩控型電扇之「好用」評價與踩控動作意象之因果關係 影響不同類型踩控開關「好用」之意象及其程度並不相同。好用之「滑動及拍踏」控制型電扇開關,必須能讓使用者有「連續地」且「愉悅地」的踩控意象;好用之「扭轉」控制型電扇開關,必須能讓使用者有「快速地」且「熟練地」、「連續地」的踩控意象。好用之「擠壓」控制型電扇開關,則必須能讓使用者產生「耐心地」、「安心地」「、間斷地」的踩控意象。


Abstract The main object of this study is to discuss the tread-on image and the feasibility to apply tread-on image to step-over and control product design. The study is composed by 4 parts. Firstly, a survey is conducted in order to identify tread-on examples and analyze the structure of tread-on image. Secondly, using step-over and control fan switch design as an example to perform the image transformation, based on the classified tread-on examples in different tread-on formats. Combing with step-over and control mechanism, different type of step-over and control switches are designed and a image test is performed in order to verify the correlation between step-over and control image structure of fan switches and step-over and control switches and step-over and control images. The third part of this study discusses the cause-and-effect relationship between “easy to use” evaluation of step-over and control fan switch and step-over and control images. The last part of this study is to design a step-over and control fan switch according to the result in “easy to use” general evaluation in order to verify the image test. The results are summarized below: Part I. Structure of tread-on concept The concept of tread-on is composed of “a motion which goes down first and changes into motion with continuous horizontal force” and “motion with interrupted and downward force”. In between, “a motion which goes down first and changes into motion with continuous horizontal force” includes 2 formats of tread-on: “twist” and “glide”; both of them involve a step down movement and followed by a moving action. On the other hand, “motion with interrupted and downward force”, it includes “press” and “hit”; the movement is from up to down with continuous forces and without changing the direction of forces. Part II. Image structures of step-over and control fan switch The image structure of step-over and control fan switches is composed by the factors which can reflect the difficulty level when step over and control, such as “complicatedly vs. simply” and the factor which can reflect the sensational feelings, such as “irritably vs. leisurely”. Part III. The correlation between different step-over control fan switches and images of step-over and control motion Different type of step-over and control switches have different step-over and control images mainly due to its mechanism. Switches in “glide and hit” group have a “simply” and “leisurely” image. For switches belong to “twist” group have a “simply” and “irritably” image. As for switches in “press” group, they tends to have an image of “complicatedly” and “irritably”. Part IV. The cause-and-effect relationship between “easy to use” evaluation of step-over and control fan and step-over and control image Different type of step-over and control switches have different “easy to use” image and the “easy to use” evaluation level are various among each other. The study shows that an easy to use “glide and hit” control switch of fan shall deliver a “continuously” and “joyfully” step over and control image to users. A easy to use “twist” type fan control switch will provide a “rapidly”, “proficiently” and “continuously” step over and control image to the users. On the other hand, a easy to use “press” type fan control switch will give a “patiently”, “comfortably” and “interruptedly” step over and control image to the users.


【1】李伯元撰、張素貞校訂、繆天華校閱,1988,文明小史 六十回,三民書局。
【3】夏敬渠著1985,野叟曝言 一百五十四回,台北市文化圖書。


