  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 孫碧娟


繼80年代服務業行銷成為行銷發展的重要領域之後,關係行銷 (relationship marketing) 的興起隨即成為企業組織與行銷界熱門話題。尤其對服務業者而言,在市場競爭越趨激烈的趨勢下,和客戶發展良好的關係及培養長期關係愈形重要。過去行銷研究中較少探討人員與組織不同關係層面之關係變數 (Macintosh and Lockshin, 1997),大部分只針對單一層面進行研究,因此本研究同時從組織與人員兩個層級驗證消費者的信任與忠誠度間之關係,並探討消費者信任之前置因素(值得信賴的行為),建立一個值得信賴行為的多構面模型,並檢驗他們在消費者信任中的不同效果。 百貨業為一需要與顧客高度接觸的服務業,因此如何發展顧客關係便相當重要。本研究以同一區域之兩家百貨公司-新光三越及衣蝶百貨為研究目標,以便利抽樣對百貨公司顧客進行問卷調查,共回收有效問卷383份,有效回收率74.8%,並以AMOS5.0統計軟體進行線性結構方程模式 (Structure Equation Modeling, SEM) 分析。 就信任前置因素與消費者對組織及人員信任之間的關係而言,消費者所知覺到銷售人員的作業能力、作業善意及問題解決導向對銷售人員信任產生正向且顯著影響,消費者所知覺到百貨業者的作業能力對百貨業者信任產生正向且顯著的影響,消費者個人的熟悉度則同時對百貨業者及銷售人員產生正向且顯著的影響。而消費者對銷售人員的信任會對百貨業者產生正向且顯著的關係。 就信任與忠誠度之間的關係而言,研究結果顯示不論是消費者對銷售人員的信任或是對百貨業者的信任,都會對顧客忠誠度產生正向且顯著的關係。而在結構模式加入控制變數後,發現商店創新、地點便利性、創新擴散效應會對顧客忠誠度產生正向且顯著的影響,其他結果不變。


顧客信任 關係行銷 忠誠度


Services marketing became the major field of marketing development since 1980s. A popular topic on the organization and marketing was relationship marketing emerging. As markets become increasingly competitive, developing and nurturing long-term relationships is seen as a way of creating a sustainable competitive advantage for service suppliers. Although businesses are increasingly focused on the development of long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with customer, organization and employee (Kennedy, Ferrell and LeClair, 2001), marketing researches are less to consider the relational variables between person and organization in the past. Research in marketing had almost test model at only one relationship level (Macintosh and Lockshin, 1997). Therefore, this study hopes to examine the relationship between consumer trust and loyalty on both individual and organizational level based on the research background and motivation and examine the trustworthiness by discussing antecedents of trust (trustworthiness behaviors) and their effects on consumer trust. In the service business that always needs to contact with customer, it is important for department store to know how to develop customer relationship. The subject of this study is consumers of department stores (Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Nanking and IDEE Taipei). Data is collected at four occasions—weekday-day, weekday-night, weekend-day, and weekend-night by convenient sampling. Three hundreds and eighty three are usable. An effective response rate is 74.80%. SPSS12.0 for Windows and AMOS5.0, statistical package of the social science, are used to process the data. The result of analysis reveals that department store trust is positively associated with operational competence of department store. Operational competence, operational benevolence, and problem-solving orientation of salesperson have a significant and positive effect on the trust in salesperson. Consumers with high level of familiarity would be more likely to have high level of trust in department store and salesperson. Then the empirical finding supports that trust in salesperson contribute to the trust in department. In addition, both trust in department store and trust in salespersons are expected to enhance customer loyalty. After including control variables, three control variables of location convenience, bandwagon, and innovation had a significant and positive effect on customer loyalty. The result of path analysis with control variables is the same with that of the path model without control variables.


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楊熾益(2008)。關係連結、信任與顧客忠誠度之關聯性研究 -以某固網電信業者為例-〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200800088
