  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 葉焜煌


在現今的產業環境中,由於產業內的激烈競爭以及競爭典範的轉移,使得企業體認到企業之間的合作關係對於企業的重要性。除了早先製造商與供應商之間供應鏈管理的發展,供應鏈合作的本質也在逐漸的轉變中,組織間互相依賴的程度不斷地提昇。製造商為了提昇其競爭優勢,不只對供應商要求其交貨的品質,更希望供應商能夠快速回應,以因應波動的市場需求。 本研究認為與供應鏈關係品質相關的供應鏈績效指標中,最重要的有二項,其中之一就是供應商如何快速的回應製造商的要求,以便製造商能夠滿足品牌廠商之全世界配銷通路的需求變化;另一項則是供應商所生產的產品品質。因此,本研究旨在探討供應鏈關係品質對供應鏈交貨品質 (SC Quality)與供應鏈快速回應 (SC Responsiveness)的影響。期望藉由本研究,探討供應鏈關係品質、供應鏈交貨品質與供應鏈快速回應的定義與其衡量指標,以及三者之間的關係,藉以作為企業界建立供應鏈關係、提昇快速回應與產品品質之依據,以提昇經營績效,創造企業持久競爭優勢。 本研究以台灣地區製造業前一千大廠商為實證研究對象,以郵寄問卷進行調查。實證資料利用SPSS 12.0與AMOS 5.0軟體進行測量模式分析及整體模式分析。 研究結果顯示供應鏈關係品質會正向影響供應鏈交貨品質與供應鏈快速回應,若供應鏈中的買賣雙方可維持良好的供應鏈關係品質,則供應商可提供良好的交貨品質給製造商,並可快速回應製造商的需求。


In today’s environment, due to the competition and the shift of competitive paradigm, the firms realized the importance of the collaborative relationships among the firms. In addition to the development of supply chain management among the manufacturers and the suppliers, the nature of supply chain is transferring from competition into cooperation and the level of interdependence is highlighting. The firms require SC quality and SC Responsiveness with the suppliers to improve the competitive advantages and respond the dynamics in the market. The two most important SC performance indictors related to the SC relationship quality in this study were as follows: one is how the supplier response the demand of the manufacturer quickly to satisfy the changes of the world distribution channels for the brand firms; the other is the product quality produced by the supplier. Therefore, the main idea in this paper is discussing the impact of SCRQ on SC Quality (SCQ) and SC Responsiveness (SCR). This study identified the definitions and the measurement indicators of SC relationship quality, SC quality, and SC responsiveness, and then discussed the relationships among them. According to this study, it could provide the basis of establishing the SC relationship and improving quick response and product quality to improve the management performance and create the competitive advantage. The research population in this study is manufacturing companies in Taiwan, and this study is tested with data gathered from a sample of purchasing persons in manufacturing firms and conducted by using a mail questionnaire. The empirical data are analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SPSS 12.0 for Windows and AMOS 5.0 are used to perform Measurement Model Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling Analysis (SEM). The empirical result suggests that SCRQ has a positive and direct impact on SC Quality and SC Responsiveness. If the two parties can keep the relationship quality well, the supplier will provide good SC Quality to the buyer and quickly respond the needs of the buyer.


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