  • 學位論文


Representing Taiwanese IT-Manufacturing Industry’s e-Logistics Partner Interface Processes as an ebXML Template

指導教授 : 陳煇煌


全球電子化供應鏈包含資訊流、金流、及物流三大主要課題,台灣政府推動的產業電子化資訊電子產業示範性計畫中,首先規劃實施買賣相關資訊流電子化的A、B計畫,接著就是金流電子化的C計畫及製造業體系中心廠物流電子化的D計畫。執行D計畫時資訊製造業中心廠和物流服務提供者(Logistic Service Providers, LSP)共同成立台灣資訊業全球運籌e化聯盟,共同規劃進料物流及出貨物流的全程追踨、與材料倉儲及商品流通中心的供應商庫存管理(Vendor Managed Inventory, VMI)的共通流程及共通資訊流,以資訊電子產業供應鏈共通的標準RosettaNet夥伴互動流程(Partner Interface Processes, PIPs)做為其相關流程標準與訊息內容標準化的基礎。然而RosettaNet並非多數產業的共同標準參考模式,物流服務提供者服務其他產業的供應鏈客戶夥伴時,RosettaNet將無法適用。而聯合國支持的ebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language)為一個水平的標準,提供描述商業程序的規範(Business Process Specification Schema, BPSS),及制定註冊服務和廠商協同合作協定輪廓(Collaboration Protocol Profile, CPP)描述的規範,可適用於多數的產業供應鏈客戶。 因此,本研究將原本以RosettaNet標準為藍本的D計畫共通規格,將其轉換成以ebXML參考模式規劃的標準範本,以ebXML技術架構BPSS和CPP將原本以RosettaNet夥伴互動流程表示的規格編寫成ebXML商業程序的規範(BPSS)的描述,並且產生其相對應的協同合作協定輪廓(CPP)。並將這些出貨管理、運況追蹤、供應商庫存管理的BPSS和CPP登錄至ebXML註冊服務處(例如:NII的XR2), 以利其他廠商搜尋參考活用,加速LSP業者建立和其他產業供應鏈夥伴的合作關係。


Information flow, cash flow and material flow are three critical issues of global e-supply chain. Among the IT-industry’s paradigmatic plans sponsored by the Taiwanese government, the first phase includes Plan A and B to implement relevant information flow between buyers and sellers, the second phase includes Plan C to implement e-Financing and Plan D to implement e-Logistics. While implementing Plan D, the IT systems manufacturers invited their primary logistic service providers (LSP) to establish Taiwan IT-industry e-Alliance (e-Alliance) together to plan the tracking and tracing of inbound and outbound logistics and the common business scenarios of vendor managed inventory (VMI) in warehouses and distribution centers. e-Alliance used RosettaNet’s logistics Partner Interface Processes (PIPs) as its reference business scenarios. However, RosettaNet is not the common standards of most industries; if LSP wants to service other industries in the supply chain, RosettaNet will not be applicable. However, ebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language), which is sponsored by the United Nations as a horizontal reference model, provides Business Process Specification Schema (BPSS) for describing the commercial procedure, XR2 for registration and repository services, and Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP) for specifying collaboration protocols. Therefore, this thesis is to transform the RosettaNet PIPs into ebXML BPSS files and the corresponding Collaboration Protocol Profile (CPP). These BPSS and CPP files are uploaded to NII’s XR2 for LSPs and their customers to search and consult with in order to accelerate LSP industry establishing their e-logistic services to other industries in the supply chain.




[2] ebXML Technical Architecture Specification v1.0.4, 16 February, 2001
[6] Kotok, Alan, and David R.R. Webber, ebXML the new global standard for doing
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[1] ebXML Business Process and Business Information analysis Overview v1.0, 11
