  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 潘明全


此篇報告主要強調廠商從事單一品牌名稱的連續性延伸時,不同忠誠度的消費者對於連續性延伸會有不同的評價。並且在消費者初次購買或重覆購買品牌延伸的新產品時,既有品牌與新延伸產品的使用經驗對於消費者的購買意願會有不同程度的影響。在品牌延伸的研究中,過去主要偏重於與核心母品牌相聯結的單一品牌延伸。事實上,單一品牌名稱已經延伸到多項產品種類,所以在本研究中,研究者研究的重點是在連續性品牌延伸中,多項產品種類彼此之間的影響效果以及與核心母品牌的交互作用。 在此研究中,研究者檢驗中介延伸在連續性品牌延伸中對於後續品牌延伸初次購買與重複購買的影響,並且檢驗後續品牌延伸對於中介延伸與核心母品牌會產生何種交互效果,並是否能產生更高的品牌權益。在本研究中,問卷以市場領導品牌多芬做為品牌延伸評估的對象,研究者在問卷中設計敘述性的問題,詢問受測者當多芬以品牌延伸的方式上市新產品時受測者的購買意願為何,並要求問卷回應者以七點量表來對類型與品牌做評分。本研究對台北市四所大學共發放1200份問卷,問卷回收後,剔除填答遺漏或亂填之無效問卷後,採用SPSS10.0 for Windows 統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,統計使用方法包含敘述統計、信度分析、單變量變異數分析(ANOVA),並建立廻歸模型。此外,並以鄒檢定來檢驗干擾變數「已上市品牌延伸的成敗」對於延伸評估是否有顯著影響。得到下列結論: 1.核心母品牌經驗對於低忠誠度消費者的影響較小。 2.後續延伸對於核心母品牌有正向的交互效果,意即藉由成功的品牌延伸可以成功地提高品牌權益,所以品牌延伸有利於吸引新顧客,尤其是對核心母品牌沒有忠誠度的顧客影響更是顯著。 3.消費者對於後續延伸的評價受已上市品牌延伸的表現所影響,成功的品牌延伸固然可以提高消費者評價,失敗的品牌延伸對於消費者評價的折損更是明顯。 4.品牌延伸的重覆購買行為鮮少受核心品牌與中介延伸的影響,所以經理人必須留意品牌延伸的效益是否能長期維持。


This paper focus on that when the firms carry out sequential brand extensions with single brand name, different levels of consumer loyalty will have different evaluations toward those brand extensions. And the existing brand and new extended products have different influences on the purchase intensions of trial and repeat. In the last few years, several articles have been devoted to the study of brand extensions, and they focus on the single brand extension associated with the parent brand. In fact, a single brand name has extended into multiple product categories, so the focal points of this research are investigating the reciprocal effects between the parent brand and multiple product categories under two sequential brand extensions. In this study, the researcher examines the effect which an intervening brand extension takes on the trial and repeat of a subsequent brand extension. In addition, the researcher explores the mutual effects a subsequent brand extension will bring to the parent brand and an intervening brand—whether it can raise the brand equity of the core parent brand. The researcher uses the leading brand in the market, Dove, for the subject of evaluations of brand extensions. The researcher designs descriptive questions in questionnaires to survey the purchase intensions of objects, Dove launching new products through brand extension, and ask for them reply with Likert 7-point response scale. All the questionnaires were distributed to 400 students each school of the four colleges in Taipei. After collecting questionnaires, the researcher eliminates those inefficient and takes SPSS10.0 for Windows to analyze data. The statistic methods of this study include descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, ANOVA, and establishing of regression model. Besides, the researcher investigates the interfering variable—the performance of extended products through Chow test. Based on the result of analysis, the researcher concludes as follows: 1. The effect of core parent brand on the consumers with lower loyalty is smaller than those with higher loyalty. 2. There are positive reciprocal effects existing between the parent brand and subsequent extensions, implying that the researcher can raise brand equity through the successful brand strategy, brand extending. Therefore, brand extensions benefit to attract consumers. 3. The performance of extended products has a significant effect on the evaluations of brand extensions, especially unsuccessful brand extensions. 4. Because the repeat purchase of brand extensions is hardly influenced by parent brand and intervening brand extension, managers must pay attention to maintaining the benefit of brand extensions for a long time.


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