  • 學位論文


Stripping of Organic Compounds from Wastewater as an Auxiliary Fuel of Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer

指導教授 : 陳嘉明


摘 要 在產業界中,製程所產生的廢水及廢氣對環境所造成的污染一直是產業在製程之外最大的困擾,尤其是含高化學需氧量(COD)濃度的廢水和低揮發性有機物(VOC)濃度的廢氣,不論是採取何種方式處理,其處理費用往往讓產業界無法承受.在近年來由於陶瓷蓄熱材料的技術發展成熟,可有效提高熱回收效率95%以上,採用燃燒方式處理低VOC濃度廢氣已不再是昂貴的處理技術,而可廣為業界所接受。高COD廢水的排放通常會干擾廢水處理程序而降低其功能,其所含的有機物在水中之溶解度隨溫度上升而下降,因此,如能以高溫的燃燒尾氣將高COD廢水中所含的VOC有效地氣提出來,轉為蓄熱式焚化爐的輔助熱源,即可同時達到污染防冶及節約能源的目的。本研究使用一個填充氣提塔將印刷電路板製程廢水的COD去除,並送入蓄熱式焚化爐,先以含丙酮廢水測試實驗系統的操作動態,再進行印刷電路板製程廢水的實驗,結果顯示:此處理系統可有效地去除廢水中之丙酮,亦能處理高COD濃度之印刷電路板製程廢水。


ABSTRACT Beside processes themselves, the air and wastewater pollutions caused by manufacturing processes have long been troubles to industries, especially for the processes generating high COD wastewater and low VOC waste gas. No matter what treatment processes are used, the treatment costs for the high COD wastewater and low VOC waste gas are so high that sometimes the industries are not able or willing to pay for. Due to recent development of the ceramic energy-storing materials that can recover over 95% of the waste heat from thermal incinerators, combustion of the low VOC waste gas is no longer too expensive to be accepted by industries. This study used a packed bed stripping tower in combination with a regenerative thermal oxidizer to treat the COD in the wastewater from a PCB manufacturing process. The acetone wastewater was first used to test the operating dynamics of the stripping tower, and then the real PCB wastewater was treated by the system. The experimental results showed that the combined system could effectively remove the acetone from the wastewater and treat the high COD wastewater from PCB manufacturing process.


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