  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 梁文貴


近幾年來,全球商業環境正迅速的改變,許多企業為了因應國際市場激烈的競爭情勢與基於策略上的考量,紛紛向外尋求合作方式來進入國際市場,而國際合資事業即是許多企業邁向國際化的捷徑之一。觀察許多學者的研究,內容都曾提及合資被視為是獲取合夥人知識的主要捷徑之一(Killing, 1983; Harrigan, 1998; Kogut, 1998; Hennart, 1991)。國內企業能夠藉由國際合資活動與外國企業進行合作,經由兩國企業不同的國家文化背景與組織文化,在活動中吸收彼此的管理經驗與專業技術,結合雙方不同的優點,以達成個別組織所無法完成的目標,為彼此創造更大的競爭優勢。 知識經濟的時代來臨,知識逐漸成為組織中最重要的資產之一,為了提升競爭優勢,不少企業藉由國際合資學習外國企業的知識與技術,使得國際合資被視為是企業組織學習的平台。對於母公司而言,如何有效地從國際合資事業獲取有用的知識與資源以提升其經營之績效,實屬一重要課題。因此,企業應深入了解本身所缺乏的資源與知識型式為何,不同的動機將影響到所取得的知識類型;而合資夥伴間的關係以及企業之組織學習方式皆會對於知識取得產生不同的影響。觀察國際合資個案之研究(Richter and Vettel, 1995; Grant, 1996)都曾提到使用不同的控制機制,對於知識取得扮演著非常重要的角色。因此,具體而言,本研究主要研究的問題為: 1. 國際合資動機將如何影響母公司之知識取得? 2. 母公司之知識保護程度是否影響其對於國際合資事業之知識取得? 3. 母公司所採用之組織學習方式是否影響其知識取得? 4. 探討控制機制的選擇與應用對於知識取得的影響? 5. 探討母公司經由國際合資事業中取得知識後之學習效果? 本研究將探討在國際合資事業的領域中,台灣母公司與外國母公司進行國際合資的過程中,最初動機與過程中的學習將會增進母公司在國際合資事業中的知識取得,並且藉由發展控制機制,來觀察控制機制在母公司中所扮演的角色,對於知識取得將產生何種助益,進而提升學習效果。故本研究之架構區分為六大部分,分別是國際合資動機、知識保護程度、組織學習、控制機制、知識取得與學習效果。研究對象主要為國際合資事業之台灣母公司作為研究樣本,共計發680份問卷,回收95份,扣除7份無效之空白問卷後,有效問卷共寄88份,回收率為12.94%,並對此作資料分析。 研究發現:(1)國際合資動機與知識取得間的關係呈現正向,且傾向內部導向動機之母公司,較容易取得組織內潛藏之不可編輯知識 (2) 在知識保護方面,知識保護愈低,愈容易取得知識,且合資雙方透明度愈良好愈能夠取得明文化的可編輯知識。亦即合資雙方之互動與溝通愈良好,將有幫助於國際合資事業中之知識取得。(3) 研究結果顯示出組織學習的四個做法對於國際合資事業中之知識取得是有正向影響的,且傾向共同願景與心智模式之作法,將較能夠取得可編輯知識。(4) 經由國際合資事業中之知識取得,對於母公司之學習效果是會產生正向影響的,亦即取得知識後,對於母公司內部而言是有所助益的,改進了未合資前之缺失,亦與當初之國際合資動機相互呼應。(5) 控制機制的應用干擾了國際合資動機、知識保護與知識取得間的關係。


The 21th century is an age of globalization and knowledge economy. With the increasingly competitive global market and for enhancing in competitive advantage, many companies take International Joint Venture (IJV) to acquire knowledge and technique of foreign companies. Knowledge is the critical resource of the future. A company’s stock of knowledge must include technical knowledge as well as knowledge about how to function in global markets, work with local laws, protect intellectual property, and operate successfully in various forms of partnerships. The international joint venture (IJV) is becoming a learning platform when firms enter the globalization market. Research framework is divided into six parts: (1) motive of IJVs; (2) knowledge protection; (3) organizational learning; (4) knowledge acquisition; (5) control mechanism; (6) learning effect. From this study, the 12 hypotheses were proposed for later test. The subject of this study was the parent companies of international joint venture in Taiwan. According to the large business ranking by China Credit Information Service, Ltd., and use the internet to search IJVs’ parent companies, then sent 680 questionnaires, of which 95 returned. By eliminating 7 invalid responses, there remained 88 copies, the final valid response rate was 12.94%. Research findings include the following: (1) the relationship between motive of IJVs and knowledge acquisition is positive; (2) the lower knowledge protection, parent companies will have the higher knowledge acquisition; (3) the relationship between organizational learning and knowledge acquisition is positive; (4) different control mechanisms moderate the relationship among motive of IJVs, knowledge protection and knowledge acquisition; (5) the relationship between knowledge acquisition and learning effect is positive. The contributions of this research have three points: (1) This study explores the parent companies perspective-motive of IJVs, knowledge protection, and organizational learning-to discuss the effect of knowledge acquisition. It is different from most research that explores IJVs’ view to examine knowledge acquiring from the partner; (2) This study explains the relation between knowledge acquisition from IJVs and learning effect. Reviewing the pervious research, many scholars explore the outcome of performance after knowledge acquisition. They always focus on the performance on finance, market share, and profit without discussing the learning effect; (3) Taking the construct of control mechanism in the IJV and explaining these mechanisms can facilitate knowledge acquisition from IJVs. This study uses the control mechanism to examine the influence of knowledge acquisition, and help parent companies not only administrate but also acquire know-how from IJV. Finally, the result of this study should be interpreted in light of some of its limitations as the following: (1) the limitation of tested subjects; (2) the limitation of industry; (3) the limitation of returned samples. The suggestion for future research we point out as follow: (1) the ownership structure for IJVs is not distributed equally. Future research can examine the different ownership structure, the different level of operation in IJVs that may influence parent companies on knowledge acquisition. Different ownerships may affect the model of knowledge acquisition and obtain different learning effects; (2) this study subject only contains Taiwan’s parent company. Future research can expand the research subject in order to compare the different nationalities, for knowledge acquisition has different issues. Firms of different nationalities would have different organization cultures. A different culture may have an effect on a firm’s openness to its partner or control in IJV. Further, its administration of IJV may also have different outcomes.


Berdrow Iris and Henry W. Lane, “International Joint Ventures: Creating Value
through Successful Knowledge Management,” Journal of World Business 38,
Beamish Paul and Iris Berdrow, “Learning from IJVs: The Unintended Outcome,”
Long Range Planning 36, no.3 (2003): 285-330.
Planning Paradigm,” Journal of World Business 19, no.2 (2001): 30-45.
