  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Web Service Integration Tool

指導教授 : 鄭福炯


WWW (World Wide Web) 全球信息網發展迄今,已成為有史以來最大之資訊及服務資源。但是目前大多數的服務都是獨立而分散的(例如,網路股票資訊與電子郵件服務);當我們需要一個在特定股價就能以電子郵件自動通知我們的服務時,我們就需要有一整合工具,來串接與整合網路股票資訊及網路電子郵件服務。在本論文中,我們提出一種方便而強大之整合方法與工具,來整合現存網路服務,使用者可以利用現有WWW上現存服務,創造出新的服務來。而一個新整合出來的服務,如果無法正確無誤被執行,對使用者可能會造成重大損失。因此在本論文中,我們亦提出網路服務整合之例外分析與處理機制,來確保新的服務可被正確、可靠的執行。我們所實作出之網路服務整合工具(Web Service Integration Tool) ,簡稱WSIT,讓使用者不需要熟悉程式技巧,只要利用WSIT即可紀錄並模組化現有網路服務,進而重新組合設計來串接這些網路模組,成為新的網路服務。此工具亦提供測試,並能以可靠及正確的方式來執行串接後新的網路服務。


WWW (World Wide Web) has become the richest resource pool of services and information. But most of services (e.g. real-time stock quote information and web mail service) are independent and distributed. If we need a new web service that sends us an email when some stock quote reaches a specific price, a web service integration tool is needed to compose the web stock quote information with the web mail service. This thesis proposes a convenient and powerful integration tool to seamlessly integrate the existing web services into new services. Our tool, called Web Service Integration Tool (WSIT), provides the functionalities to record and modulize existing web services, to design, modify and compose recorded web services, and to play and test the new-composed web services. For those new services created by users through the integration tool, one of the most important issues is the reliability and accuracy of service execution besides the convenience of service integration. We also propose the analysis and design of exception handling in web service integration and implement the exception handling mechanism in WSIT.


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