  • 學位論文

兩岸印表機產業通路模式研究- 以愛普生公司為例


指導教授 : 李賢哲


兩岸印表機產業通路模式研究- 以愛普生公司為例 指導教授:李賢哲 研究生:吳成功 大同大學事業經營研究所 九十三學年碩士論文摘要 摘 要 大陸十一億的人口與每年持續增長的消費力,使中國成為全球最具有開發潛力的市場,全球排名五百大的企業,幾乎巳超過400家在大陸完成註冊,積極的進行佈局的動作,期望能在未來掌握市場先機佔有一席之地。 技術在進步,環境的改變;我們回顧2004年IT通路的狀況,一般的社區式店面的經銷商巳逐漸式微,取而代之將是3C連鎖店及新興的通路如量販及電視購物等,原本就巳經是多事的通路在明樣3C及旭曜電通不敵市場的變化下拉下了鐵門,而其它業者却正積極的加入這一市場尤其是家電業及量販業者這兩年的大舉動作又讓原本的市場多了更多的參賽者而抄熱了通路產業。因此各生產廠商無不把通路視為一重要成功的關鍵因素之,在加上對岸廣大的市場潛力及大中華圈的形成,通路的佈局將是未來決勝的主要因素。 日本精工愛普生(EPSON)公司是一個100%日商公司,在台灣、大陸及世界各地均設有分公司,從精工錶到現在的印表機等週邊產品均以其核心技術在市場佔有一席之地,大陸市場的開放使原本就巳經在大陸開發的愛普生公司更積極的擴展開來,本研究以EPSON公司在兩岸的通路狀況進行探討,依據資料之收集及訪談所得之內容與文獻參照歸納出兩岸不同做法及其通路差異如下: 就個案公司EPSON在台灣及大陸市場所採行的通路規劃而言,依據區域的不同而有不同的作法,雖然台灣及大陸市場大小不同,但同樣的EPSON台灣及大陸公司均會以最符合區域現況的方式,採取最適合的規劃來進行通路佈局,台灣的重點經銷商的管理方式即是一個在完全競爭的狀況所採行的規劃,而大陸的經銷商由於制度上並不完善,採行由代理商來直接管理則是一個因應地域不同而規劃出最合適方式。末來兩岸的通路發展規劃將會以市場的發展趨勢隨著重點產品的發展而重新佈局。 在通路市場的區隔及進行通路的差異化上,對通路佈局是非常重要的,因為在台灣通路的屬性巳經漸漸模糊化,再加印表機的產品屬於成熟性的商品事實上差異巳經不大,必須用通路來加以區隔才能有效的管理通路避免不必要的衝突發生。在大陸方面由於地域很廣,而且經銷商分佈太廣,在管理上就是一個非常花時間的過程,因此EPSON公司必需要考慮如何運用IT系統來管理下轄的代理及經銷商將會是強化通路經營及改善效率創造效果的重要方法。 關鍵字:印表機、通路、EPSON、經銷商、量販量


量販量 印表機 通路 EPSON 經銷商


RESEARCH ON THE MARKETING CHANNELS OF PRINTER MARKETS IN TAIWAN AND CHINA --EPSON AS AN EXAMPLE Advisor: Professor Hsien-che Lee Student: Chen-Kung Wu Department of Business Management, Tatung University, 2005 ABSTRACT The increasing consumption power from China’s 1.1 billion of population is what the world’s largest companies are looking for. There have been 400 out of the top 500 businesses in the world that had their companies registered in China for operation in a hope to take a prominent part in the warfare. Change of environment and revolution of technology have displaced the traditional pa-and-mom retail stores with the emerged large 3C franchise, hyper-marts, and TV marketing. A recent of this is the close-down of Ming-Yang 3C and Shu-Yau, contrary to the emergence and prosperity of the hyper markets and electronic chain stores. This change in the retail channel structure and the great potential of the greater China market identify the fact that channel management will be a key success factor in today’s retail frontiers. Seiko Epson is a Japanese company and has subsidiaries in Taiwan, China, and many of the countries in the world. From the famed Seiko watches, to Epson printers and peripherals, the company possesses core technologies and is well established in the global market. With the presence in China, Epson shows its aggression in building up the network and dominates the market. This research provides thorough analyses on the channel management of Epson in Taiwan & China. Comparison and contrast of the channel implementation are based on the comprehensive information, references, and interviews during the search, and are shown as follows: In comparisons, Epson implements different marketing channel strategies and formations in China and Taiwan respectively, so to better suit the markets and corresponding macro-environments. In Taiwan, the “selected or/and prioritized dealers” is a design to intensify the competition and to boost best efforts from channels; whereas in China, due to the distance boundaries and the immature channel structure, Epson China relies heavily on the regional agents or/and distributors and gives agents direct control over the channels. Epson’s future development on channel strategies across straits should focus more on the strengths of products and customize channels to generate best sales results. Another important issue concerning marketing channels is the “partition”. In Taiwan, the characteristics of respective channels are vague and indifferent, with printer market is a saturated market, a proper management on channel partition helps to reduce or eliminate channel conflicts. In China, the channel management is more complicated and the structure process is time-consuming. Therefore, to urging the implementation of IT systems at the agents’ ends will be an effective way of managing the channels. Keywords: Printers, Channels, Epson, Dealers, Hyper Markets


Channels Dealers Epson Hyper Markets Printers


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