  • 學位論文


A Study of Uesr Interface and Form Design on Golf Dynamic Analysis System

指導教授 : 吳志富


高爾夫球運動目前已成為全球性的運動項目之ㄧ,在已開發或開發中國家都有很高的運動人口, 如何提升高爾夫運動的學習效率是值得探討的議題,由於高爾夫選手的揮桿動作除了力學上影響擊球之方位與距離等效能因素外,肢體動作與重心的位移對於運動者肌肉或關節的影響更是不容忽視。一般專家在教導業餘高爾夫球選手擊球技巧時,往往是以個人經驗將焦點集中於正確的揮桿力學;近年來部分廠商則開始提出以高爾夫揮桿動作之專家資料庫與電腦模型,協助專業或業餘的高球選手以分析比對方式提供改善揮桿姿勢之建議。 本研究旨在希望開發一新型專為高爾夫球學習用途的動態分析系統,先期以市場調查及問卷調查進行可行性評估研究以確立該項產品是否具有開發價值,進而依照調查結果設計四種形式之操作介面進行實驗,分析實驗數據及介面操作滿意度調查,並加入使用環境與使用族群特性,從人因工程角度考量操作方式,俾供後續系統操作介面及整體造形設計的參考依據。研究結果顯示,目前市售系統以攝影機、手提電腦搭配使用居多;受訪者中使用系統者以專業教練為主,在教學上對學習成效大致認為成效顯著,系統具有開發價值;操作介面方面,用過高爾夫球動態分析系統者五成以上認為須改進;八成以上受訪者打球場所為高爾夫球練習場;系統功能需求20個問項中不同背景受訪者對功能需求程度存有差異。操作介面的實驗結果顯示,以觸控面板為介面的操作方式滿意度最高,指令直接在按鍵的介面操作方式次之,下拉式功能選單使用上下左右鍵選取指令方式滿意度最低。整體造型設計方面將依據調查與實驗結果為準則,以手提方式攜帶,使用時高度約100公分,收合後高度小於52.1公分,將系統整合為一體包含攝錄影像、顯示分析等。 關鍵字:高爾夫、可行性評估、人因工程、操作介面


Golf has become one of the popular global sports. Golf populations in most developing and developed countries are quite sizable. How to enhance golf practice efficiency is an issue that deserves in-depth exploration. When it comes to swinging motions of golf players, in addition to mechanical efficiency factors that affect the direction and distance of the golf ball, the impact of body activity and shifting of center of gravity on the muscles or joints cannot be ignored. When teaching amateur players driving techniques, most experts on the basis on personal experiences fasten their attention on correct swing mechanics. In recent years some of the vendors began to offer expert’s database and computerized model on ball-hitting motions to help professional or amateur players improve their swings through analysis and comparison. The purpose of this study is to develop a dynamic analysis system for golf practices. In the preliminary stages, market research and questionnaire survey are employed for feasibility studies in order to verify the product has development value. According to survey results, four types of user interfaces are designed for experiment. Experimental data, satisfaction of user interface, environment, and the user group characteristics are taken into consideration. From the perspective of ergonomics , the operational method is structured, which may serve as reference for design of user interface and overall plastic design in the future. The results indicated current systems sold in the market are used in conjunction with camera and portable computer. Most of the system users among the respondents are professional coaches, and most respondents consider the learning achievement significant indicating the system is worth development. In terms of the operational interface, over 50% of those who have used the dynamic golf analysis system believe the system requires further improvement. Over 80% of the respondents play at golf practice courses. Concerning the 20 system function requirement questions, discrepancy is present among respondents of different backgrounds in terms of the degree of function requirements. The results of user interface experiment indicated satisfaction with operation of touch-control display interface is the highest, followed by the operational interface that allows users to give commands through the keyboard. Satisfaction with the pull-down menu that involves the use of direction-arrow keys for command selection is the lowest. The overall appearance design will be based on survey and experiment results. The device will be portable. It is about 100cm in height when it is in use, and 52.1cm in height when it is folded up. The system, including the camera and display analysis, is integrated into one body. Keywords: golf, feasibility evaluation, ergonomic, user interface


golf feasibility evaluation ergonomic user interface


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