  • 學位論文


Design and Performance Evaluations of a Small Resonant-Type Generator

指導教授 : 張英俊


本論文主要為研究小型共振型發電機之設計,並針對各實驗機型進行性能評估測試。本研究運用彈簧彈力振動,加上磁石切割線圈時所產生的感應電流,再配合共振自然頻率的放大作用以製成小型共振型發電機。以簡單結構設計及材料取得容易之優點,運用不同磁石數、不同彈性系數之彈簧及不同彈簧擺置方式,分別製作五種實驗型式之小型振動型發電機,並針對各種測式條件的改變及機型交叉比對測試,以求得各式型發電機之性能評估,期能以最簡單之設計將機械的振動轉化為有用的電能而再利用。本研究結果顯示,在使用線徑0.4 mm、250匝線圈並以雙磁石疊放,配合彈性系數K=0.04上下雙彈簧結構之小型共振發電機,於自然頻率F=11Hz,振幅200μm下,可得368mV最大發電量之最佳性能設計。




This thesis focuses on the design of tiny resonance generators, and evaluates / tests the performance of every prototype. The concept of a tiny resonance generator is taking the advantage of resonance under the nature frequency to enlarge the motion of a spring vibration, and keep the magnet going through the coils repeated to create the induced current. This kind of generator has the advantage of simple structure and using common materials. There are 5 kinds of prototype to be created in this thesis by combining different amount of magnet and coefficient of elasticity for spring at different location, and compare the performance of each prototype in order to find out the simplest design of a resonance generator, which can transfer the vibration energy to electrical effectively. The result of my study can be concluded as following: at the nature frequency of 11Hz set amplitude under 200um, using a coil with 250 turns, 0.4 mm wire diameter and stack up 2 magnets connect to a spring with 0.04 coefficient of elasticity can create 368mv of induced current, which is the optimized design in this thesis.


Resonant-Type Generator


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