  • 學位論文


Applications of Expansion Type Mufflers in the noise Reduction of a Power Supply for a Desk top Computer

指導教授 : 張英俊


本研究以降低一般電腦的電源供應器 (PS2規格)之噪音為目標,利用商用軟體Sysnoise以及Minitab做為消音管噪音減量分析以及數值統計工具,並以田口實驗計劃法來規劃適合的消音管尺寸參數,設計出一款尺寸小、造形簡單的消音管。 由研究中可知,消音管的設計不能僅以單一頻率為設計目標,必須對單一頻率與總頻段的噪音降低效果做比較後才可決定消音管相關的幾何尺寸。另外,針對多階段膨脹式消音管的設計,本研究也歸納出多階段膨脹式消音管的消音性能好壞直接取決於此消音管入口端的設計。最後,本論文也針對在同一截面積以及總體積都相同的前提下,不同矩形長寬比對於消音管消音性能做比較,並繪出不同長寬比下,矩形消音管的性能曲線圖。 本論文純粹以數值模擬的方式獲取相關的實驗數據,希望能對於有志在消音管設計上有興趣的工程師在實務設計上能有些參考價值。


This thesis is focused on reducing the noise which is generated by the power supply of a computer system. By using Sysnoise and Minitab as the numeral analysis tool and with Taguchi Method, a compact with simple structure of muffler had been designed. From the conclusion of this thesis, we know the design of a muffler can not only major in signal frequency but also need to compare the whole frequency range, and for a multistage type of muffler, the first stage of expansion chamber is the key factor for the performance of the whole design of a muffler.


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