  • 學位論文


A Study and Design on Electronic Guide Map for the Visually Impaired in MRT Station

指導教授 : 梁成一


目前有很多電子地圖讓使用者可下載,並協助其尋路及前往目的地,然而尚 未有類似的電子地圖可供視障者使用,在大台北地區捷運是台灣交通運輸的重要 樞紐,也是視障者出門首選之運輸工具,但視障者因本身視覺感官受損,無法如 明眼人般事先透過圖像資訊獲得捷運環境空間資訊,必須由他人協助或進行實地 行走訓練,才能成功地搭乘捷運。本研究之目的為探討應用多媒體技術與多模式 設備,結合行動定向教學的方法,建構一個數位捷運環境導引地圖之可行性。該 捷運數位地圖主要以聲音為資訊傳遞媒介,並以羅技震動手把為輔助進行操作, 實驗中以十位從事電腦點譯工作之視障者進行測試,將之分為實驗、對照二組比 較,並進行前測及三階段實地測試;再由實驗組對此多媒體地圖提供改良意見, 並將實驗獲得之數據以獨立樣本t 檢定進行分析,結果顯示該視障者捷運電子導 引地圖可有效地協助視障者建構環境心理地圖,且由實際路徑行走測試的時間紀 錄顯示,使用捷運電子導引地圖的實驗組所花費之時間較對照組顯著地少,驗證 該多媒體地圖於協助視障者了解陌生環境、建構心理地圖模式方面,具有一定的 成效。


視障者 定向 多媒體 捷運 電子地圖


These days there are many different kinds of electronic map available for download. They are very helpful for users to find the location of a certain address and ways to get there. However, none of these electronic map is designed for the visually impaired. In Taipei Metropolis, the Mass Rapid Transit System (MRT System) is the hinge of transportation, and also the best choice of transportation for the visually impaired. But the visually impaired can not retrieve information on the MRT environmental space through graphic information like sighted people do. In order to be able to take MRT, they need help from other people or field walking training, The purpose of this research is to probe into the possibility to construct a digital MRT spatial guidance map with multimedia technology and multi-modal equipments, combining with mobility and orientation training method. This kind of MRT digital map delivers information via voice It was operated with a Logitech vibration controller. Ten visually impaired computer Braille users were chosen for the experiments. They were divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group, for comparison. A pretest and a three-step field test were conducted. Then improvement suggestions on the digital guidance map were obtained from the experimental group. And an independent group t test was performed with the data iv v from the experiments. The result shows that the digital guidance map can effectively help the visually impaired construct an environment mental map. And according to the records from the final field walking test, the time the control group spent to complete the experiment is 270% of the time the experimental group spent (average: the control group: 152.8, the experimental group: 41.2), while the deviation distance walked is 650% (average: the control group: 252, the experimental group: 33.6) and the number of failures is also 650% (average: the control group: 3, the experimental group: 0.4). This verifies that the digital guidance map can significantly help the visually impaired construct an environment mental map.


Severe Visual Impairments. U. S. Department of Housing & Urban Development,
Office of Policy Development & Research, Washington, D. C.


