  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 林南宏


隨著銀行法規對網際網路發展的開放及網路使用者的快速成長,銀行業未來業務的發展方向必然會朝向網路銀行服務的提供。但目前台灣銀行業所推行的網路銀行服務接受度仍不到35%,而過去的相關研究大都著重於網路銀行本身技術層面因素的探討,而忽略了使用者本身的特徵。銀行顧客使用網路銀行進行交易是一種通路的選擇行為,因此瞭解影響銀行顧客對網路銀行使用意願的關鍵因素,乃是銀行業者朝向精簡人力、擴充服務範疇之目標的重要議題。 根據延伸式科技接受模式,本研究以創新擴散理論做為網路銀行使用者的分類基礎,來探討創新科技使用者角色的不同,其所重視的網路銀行設計特徵的差異性,並進而檢驗其對網路銀行的使用行為意向。針對有使用網路銀行經驗的銀行顧客,本研究以網路問卷為媒介,在兩個月的期間內共回收429份問卷,有效問卷則有312份。以結構方程式模型驗證,得到下列的實證結果: (1)「知覺有用」與「知覺系統安全」對銀行顧客使用網路銀行系統的行為意向造成決定性的影響。 (2)「知覺易用」對網路銀行系統的「知覺有用」與「知覺系統安全」有正向影響。 (3)「創新科技的使用者角色」對「知覺易用」與「知覺系統安全」有正向影響。 (4)早期市場大眾最重視知覺有用;主流市場大眾最重視知覺系統安全;落後市場大眾則最重視知覺易用。 研究結果顯示:「知覺有用」與「知覺系統安全」對網路銀行接受度的行為意向有正向影響,但「知覺易用」對網路銀行接受度的行為意向有負向影響;然而,「知覺易用」卻對「知覺有用」與「知覺系統安全」有正向的影響關係。原來「知覺易用」只是網路銀行接受度的「保健因子」,換言之,網路銀行功能設計成容易使用並不會增進銀行顧客採用網路銀行來處理金融交易,但是若沒如是設計,銀行顧客根本就不會想要採用網路銀行。所以,網路銀行要被銀行顧客接受,「知覺易用」只是基本要求,還需透過「知覺有用」與「知覺系統安全」來增進網路銀行接受度的行為意向。 此外,主流市場大眾是實用主義與風險主義份子,如果新科技能夠帶來實際的好處,或觀察一段時間後沒有風險,便會一窩蜂的開始採用新科技,因此他們在早期市場大眾「知覺有用」的認可後,相對於其它兩個族群在採用網路銀行系統上更加重視「知覺系統安全」。由於這一族群在本研究中約佔62%,在推廣網路銀行服務上無疑將是銀行業者的行銷重點。至於落後市場大眾,他們始終不願意改變他們對於創新科技產品/服務的接受度,因此接受新科技的時間將會是非常久,亦即網路銀行要為此族群接受是非常不容易的。總而言之,在已知「知覺易用」是保健因子的前提下,銀行業者若能針對「知覺有用」與「知覺系統安全」兩大特質來規劃設計網路銀行系統,這項科技方可謂創新擴散成功。


With the openness of the banking regulations towards the development of the internet and the rapid growth of internet users, the banking industry will inevitably move towards the provision of Internet banking services in its development of operations in the future. However, the acceptance of Internet banking services currently implemented by Taiwan's banking sector has not even reached 35%, and most previous studies focused on investigating the technical aspects of Internet banking and have neglected user characteristics. Using Internet banking to perform transactions is a bank customer’s behavioral choice, so understanding what influences the desire in bank customers for using Internet banking is a key factor towards achieving the important goals of streamlining human resources and expanding service areas in the banking industry. Based on an extension of the technology acceptance model, this study will use the classification of Internet banking users in the innovation diffusion theory as a basis to investigate the roles of innovative technology users, and the differences in the design characteristics of Internet banking that they value. Thereafter, we examine the behavioral intention towards the use of Internet banking. This study used an online questionnaire to carry out a survey with experienced customers in the use of Internet banking. Within a two-month period, a total of 429 questionnaires were collected, and 312 questionnaires were considered valid. The following empirical results were obtained by verifying with the structural equation model: (1)“Perceived usefulness” and “perceived system security” led to a significant positive effect on the behavioral intention of the banking customers towards using the Internet banking system. (2)“Perceived ease of use” had a positive effect on the “perceived usefulness” and “perceived system security” of the Internet banking system. (3)The “roles of users of innovation and technology” had a positive effect on “perceived ease of use” and “perceived system security”. (4)The early market majority focused mostly on “perceived usefulness”; the mainstream market majority focused mostly on “perceived system security”; the backward market majority focused mostly on “perceived ease of use”. The results show that perceived usefulness and perceived system security have a positive effect on behavioral intention towards the acceptance of Internet banking, but perceived ease of use has a negative effect on behavioral intention towards the acceptance of Internet banking. However, perceived ease of use has a relatively positive effect on perceived usefulness and perceived system security. Perceived ease of use is the only “hygiene factor” of Internet banking’s level of acceptance; in other words, designing the functions of Internet banking to become easy to use would not increase a bank customer’s usage of Internet banking to perform financial transactions. However, if it were not designed as such, bank customers would not think of using Internet banking at all. Therefore, in order for Internet banking to be accepted by bank customers, the basic requirement is simply “perceived ease of use”, but the behavioral intention towards the acceptance of Internet banking needs to be enhanced with “perceived usefulness” and “perceived system security” as well. Besides, the mainstream market majority is both pragmatic and non-risk-taking, and will rush to start adopting new technology if the new technology can bring real benefits and show no risks after a time for observation. The early market majority recognizes “perceived usefulness”, but they pay even closer attention to “perceived system security” in the use of internet banking systems as compared to the other two user groups. As this group accounts for 62% in this study, they will undoubtedly be the focus of the banking industry in the marketing and promotion of Internet banking services. As for the backward market majority, their acceptance of new technology will take a very long time and Internet banking will especially be difficult for acceptance by this group as they are not willing to accept innovative and technological products or services readily. All in all, if banks focus on the two major characteristics of “perceived usefulness” and “perceived system security” to plan the design of their Internet banking systems under the premise that “perceived ease of use” is a known “hygiene factor”, this technology can then lead to the success of innovation diffusion.


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