  • 學位論文


Remote Sensing image fusion using dynamic range compression and wavelet transform

指導教授 : 汪順祥


影像融合的技術就是利用不同感測器抓取相同區域或是物件的影像,以取得最多的細節資訊,來增強了影像裡不明顯的特徵。影像融合常被使用在遙測影像、醫學影像、機器視覺、及軍事認證..等。在遙測影像的領域中,目前正在使用的感測器,通常都提供11-bit的灰階影像,而一般標準的顯示/輸出設備,僅能提供8-bit 解析度的顯示,這會限制了影像分析效能。我們這篇論文提出一種利用Dynamic Range Compression(DRC)的方式進行灰階及多頻譜影像的融合,並且確保所輸出的影像能擁有原始11-bit影像的資訊,而且減少失真。我們分析每一種使用灰階影像來強化影像輻射訊息及視覺的資訊的影像融合技術。同時,我們利用小波轉換的技術配合DRC用來處理灰階及多頻譜影像的融合。 為了確定我們所提出影像融合方法的可行性,我們以IKONOS 與 QUICKBIRD 衛星所擷取的影像做實驗。最後,我們會比較所提的融合的方法與原有方法的差異。




The image fusion technique is to maximize the information in images at same area or object taken by different sensors. It enhances those unapparent features at each image and wildly applied at remote sensing, medical image, machine vision, and military identification. In remote sensing, the latest sensors usually provide 11-bit panchromatic data which represent more radiometric information, but the standard visual equipment can only produce 8-bit resolution content that limits the analysis of imagery on the screen or paper. This thesis shows how to preserve the original 11-bit information after the DRC (Dynamic Range Compression) approaches and keep the fusion output from color distortion during the following pan/multi-spectrum fusion process. We analyze each image fusion technology using panchromatic image to intensify radiometric information and enhance visual content. Meanwhile the wavelet technique is used in the fusion process of panchromatic and multi-spectrum images. To verify the feasibility of the method proposed, we use the proposed method to enhance the radiometric visualization of IKONOS and QUICKBIRD satellite images. The statistic results show the proposed method outperforms existing methods.


dynamic range compression


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