  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 楊浩二


觀光產業的快速發展,各相關業者面臨激烈的競爭,目的地行銷的概念也因應而生。許多致力於觀光發展的國家與地區,也開始重視其在旅客心中的旅遊目的地意象為何,可以了解旅客對於本身的看法與想法為何。良好目的地意象的建立是目的地行銷中重要的概念,因為好的目的地意象可給予遊客深遠的影響。故本研究試圖依循Beerli and Martín (2004)的研究,檢視遊客目的地意象的形成(認知意象、情感意象及整體意象)受到資訊來源、旅遊動機、人口統計變數及過去經驗等前因的影響,並更進一步探討遊客後續的行為意圖。 以結構方程模型(SEM)分析遊客目的地意象與行為意圖關係之模式,進行檢定並評估各路徑之效果。本研究對象為一般曾旅遊至世界各地的旅客,要求受試者回想最近一次的旅遊經驗來填答。以便利性抽樣方式,利用實體及網路問卷的方式蒐集資料,並使用AMOS 6.0統計軟體,進而了解各構念間的關係。 經由分析實證資料發現:(1)資訊來源沒有正向的影響認知意象及情感意象;(2)旅遊動機會正向的影響認知意象;(3)在資訊來源與旅遊動機對認知意象及情感意象的影響之間,皆會部份的受到人口統計變數所干擾;(4)最後,支持目的地意象到行為意圖之間的正向影響關係模式。 本研究對目的地業者的建議如下:(1)提升目的地意象是需要長期的努力與堅持;(2)應藉由各種資訊管道建立良好的目的地意象;(3)加強「知性」旅遊,以提升旅遊動機;(4)針對不同的個人背景旅客,做不同的行銷策略擬訂。另外,建議後續研究可兼用質性研究的方法或擴大研究時間使得樣本更具代表性。


Because of the rapid development of the tourism industry, the relevant industry is facing intense competition and the concept of destination marketing is up to come. Many countries and regions have committed themselves to tourism development, and begun to attach importance to the hearts of its tourists’ destination image in order to understand about tourists’ views and ideas. To establishment a good destination image is an important concept of destination marketing, because a good tourist destination image can give a deep impact. Therefore, based on Beerli and Martín (2004) model, this study attempts to examine the effects of the antecedents of the destination image formation, such as information sources, travel motivations, social-demographic and travel experiences, on tourist’s destination image (cognitive image, affective image and overall image) and the effects of image on tourists’ behavioral intentions. Next, we used confirmation factor analysis (CFA) to analyze a structural equation model of destination image-behavioral intentions. In addition, we examined the model and estimated the effects of all predictors in the model. The subjects of this study were those who have traveled at home and/or overseas and were asked to recall their recent travel experiences. We used convenient sampling method to collect data through offline and online survey and employed AMOS 6.0 to analyze a structural equation model and to test the proposed relationships among all dimensions. The results pointed out: (1) Information sources did not positively influence cognitive and affective image; (2) Travel motivation positively affects cognitive image; (3) Some participants’ demographics, such as gender, age, education, income, and occupation have partial moderating effects on the relationships between information sources, travel motivation and cognitive image, affective image; (4) finally, the positive paths exist on the chain from destination image to behavioral intentions. Some advices for destination manager or proprietor are presented as follows: (1) It takes a long-time effort and persists to promote destination image; (2) The management should establish good destination image with all kinds of information resources; (3) In order to enhance travel motivation, it is important to reinforce sensible travel; (4) Try to establish different marketing strategies for different travelers’ background. Finally, based on the model proposed in this study further research may use qualitative approach at the same time and use the more representative samples to validate the proposed model.


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