  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 李賢哲


隨著網路的發展與普及化,目前許多學校與企業都已建置數位學習系統。雖然目前各大專院校已有ELS,但學生普遍使用率並不高,因此,本研究想從學習者的角度,探討學習動機、心理認知與學習涉入等層面對使用ELS的影響。 本研究以科技接受模式為基礎,針對台北市已實施ELS的大學生進行問卷調查,總共發送1100的紙本問卷,有效問卷數為793份,利用結構方程式來進行驗證性因素分析,檢定模型的適配度,並透過路徑分析結果,驗證研究假說,以及潛在變數之間的關聯性。研究結果顯示:電腦態度、內容品質、網路外部性、電腦自我效能、主觀規範、知覺易用性對知覺有用性有顯著的正向關係;電腦態度、內容品質、網路外部性、電腦自我效能對知覺易用性有顯著的影響;主觀規範、知覺有用性、知覺易用性對行為意圖有顯著得影響;行為意圖對行為有顯著的影響。不顯著的有三個,分別為網路外部性對行為意圖、電腦自我效能對知覺 有用性與競爭行為意圖對行為的影響均不顯著。 因此,學生並不會因為有很多人在使用ELS而去使用它,最主要還是受其系統本身是否是有用或好用的知覺所影響,所以,只要系統是好用或有用的,學生大多都願意去接受且使用它,建議學校應從系統的便利性和有用性去改進,如:操作簡單化、提供多元化的線上學習內容。另外,為了使ELS能快速地廣泛被使用,學校應強迫學生在部分科目上必須使用ELS進行學習。最後建議學校可藉由定期舉辦免費的電腦教育課程或鼓勵同學參加資訊展或電腦展以提升同學的資訊素養,進而增加其有用性與易用性的知覺。 而對於企業而言,首要的重點在於將職員的訓練與職涯發展和企業的競爭策略做結合,因此建議在選擇系統時能經由評估再導入,並透過定期評估職員的成效來進行修正。如:華航在評估其教育訓練的需求,自 1998 年即與哈佛商學院出版公司( Harvard Business School Publishing,簡稱HBSP )合作,引進「哈佛線上管理智庫」,其系統擁有五大主題的管理課程,可讓不同屬性的部門或管理階層,各取所需,另外,The Essential Leader 情境式互動教學模式,則是針對高階主管所設計,其以個案方式點出主管可能面臨的挑戰與困境。而每一門課程皆有「自我測試」單元,讓學員可以檢視自我學習成效。


With the development and popularization of the Internet, many schools and businesses currently have built E-Learning systems.However, according to a survey, colleges students have seldom used it;therefore,we want to explore the factors influencing adoption of E-Learning from the students perspective, such as learning motivation, cognitive psychology, and learning involved. This research, based on TAM, placed written questionnaires to college students in Taipei which had developed ELS, there are totally 1100 questionnaires were distributed, and 793 questionnaires were valid. We analyzed the goodness of fit through SEM and verified the research hypotheses through path analysis. The findings reveal that computer attitude, content quality, perceived network externality, computer self-efficacy , subjective norm and perceived ease of use positively affect perceived usefulness; subjective norm, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness significant influenced on behavioral intention. However, perceived network externality vs. behavioral intention, computer self-efficacy vs. perceived usefulness, and competing behavioral intention vs. behavior are not significant. Therefore, students would not use ELS with the use of many people.They mainly consider whether the system is good or not; if college students believe that the system is good, they would use it. We suggest that schools can improve the systems’ convenience and usefulness, such as by providing variables of E-Learning content and operating simply. Besides, in order to let ELS be widely used, schools should force students to learn by ELS at parts subjects. Finally, we suggest that schools can regularly hold free computer courses or encourage students to participate in information or computer exhibitions for improving their common sense of information, further enhancing their perceived of usefulness and easy to use. For the enterprises, the key point is to combine the staffs’ training and career development with the company’s competitive strategy; therefore, we suggest that when choosing the system, companies should assess it first and then modify it regularly from the staff’s performance. For example, after estimating the demands of education training, China Airline cooperated with HBSP in1998, introduced the “Harvard Manage Mentor” a system with five themes of management courses that allow different departments or management to pick on demand. In addition, the interactive teaching model is designed for top executives, which can let manager understand what challenges and difficult they would confront. And every course has a “test unit” which can let members evaluate the learning effectiveness by themselves.


SEM E-Learning TAM


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