  • 學位論文


Investigation of the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome of Adult People in Taipei, Taiwan

指導教授 : 許垤棋


新陳代謝症候群可能會增加中老年人慢性疾病的產生。本研究目的為探討新陳代謝症候群的盛行率和各危險因子之間的相關性。 方法是以北市某聯合診所之健檢為樣本來源,收集自2009年4月至9月的有效樣本共714件作研究。診斷標準是依據美國國家膽固醇教育委員會Thired Report of NCEP (ATP III) 針對成年人的建議為準。統計方法是採用SPSS統計分析,利用獨立樣本t-檢定及卡方檢定來檢定組間的差異,及迴歸分析新陳代謝症候群和各相關危險因子間的關係。 研究結果714位受檢者中,男性255位 (佔35.7%),女性459位 (佔64.3%),平均年齡為48.37±9.52歲 (19歲起~78歲止)。整體新陳代謝症候群的盛行率為13.4%,其中男性為21.6%,女性8.9%,男女性新陳代謝症候群的盛行率在統計學上有顯著的差異性 (P<0.05)。經連續變數相關檢定,證明新陳代謝症候群和年齡、血壓、LDL-Cholesterol、BMI有顯著的正相關 (P<0.05)。卡方檢定結果顯示有煙癮的人和新陳代謝症候群有顯著的正相關 (P<0.05),運動習慣和新陳代謝症候群有顯著的負相關 (P<0.05),證明有長期運動習慣的人較不容易罹患新陳代謝症候群。使用邏輯斯回歸分析發現,證明血壓、BMI、血糖、三酸甘油脂和新陳代謝症候群呈顯著的正相關 (P<0.05);而高密度膽固醇和新陳代謝症候群呈顯著的負相關 (P<0.05)。 本研究結論,證明男、女性新陳代謝症候群的盛行率有明顯的差異,且顯示出北市都會區整體新陳代謝症候群的盛行率比其它縣市的研究為偏低。


Metabolic syndrome will increase the possibility of chronic disease among the middle and old-aged people.To discuss the relevance of metabolic syndrome prevalence and each risk factors is the purpose of this study. Methods: The measure used is taking the physical examination from a polyclinic in Taipei city as the source of samples which collected from April through September, 2009, altogether 714, to study. The diagnosis standard is based on the third Report of NECP (ATPIII) on adult’s suggestions. The statistical method adopts the SPSS statistical analysis which uses t-test of independent samples and Chi-Square Test to test the difference of groups, and the relationship between metabolic syndrome and each factor, also uses Regression analysis to analyze the relationship metabolic syndrome prevalence and each risk factors. Results: The result indicates that there are 255 males (35.7%) and 459 females (64.3%), average age is 48.37±9.52 years old (19~78 years old), among the 714 patients. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome is 13.4% overall, for males and females is 21.6% and 8.9% respectively. Therefore, there is significant differentia of metabolic syndrome prevalence between males and females on statistics (P<0.05). It proves there is a significant positive relationship (P<0.05) among metabolic syndrome and age、blood pressure、LDL-Cholesterol and BMI, through correlation analysis. Chi-Square Test suggests that the correlation analysis between those addicted to smoking and metabolic syndrome shows a significant positive relationship (P<0.05). There is a significant negative relationship between those who have the habit of doing exercises and metabolic syndrome (P<0.05), so it indicates that the person who has the habit of doing exercises will not easy to get metabolic syndrome . Using Logistic Regression indicates that there is a significant positive relationship among blood pressure、BMI、Glucose、Triglyceride and metabolic syndrome (P<0.05). On the contrary, there is a significant negative relationship between metabolic syndrome and HDL-Cholesterol (P<0.05). Conclusion: The result of this study indicates that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome exists significant difference between males and females,and indicates it lower in Taipei than in other counties.


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