  • 學位論文


Key Factors of Corporate Implementing Virtualization Information Environment - The view from IT staff

指導教授 : 李興漢


由於資訊科技持續的進步,提供企業組織數以百計的資訊服務,導致資訊機房的伺服器越來越多,不但造成管理上的困難,也增加了對電力及冷卻的需求。然而隨著全球經濟景氣循環及環境保護議題聲勢高漲,企業組織必須從各方面來降低成本,此時出現了虛擬化技術,企業利用虛擬化技術來進行伺服器整合,它具有減少伺服器數量、節省機房空間、降低對電力和冷卻系統的使用量等優點。 本研究為了探討台灣資訊人員對於企業導入虛擬化資訊環境的關鍵影響因素之看法,彙整各種可能會影響導入虛擬化資訊環境之因素,採用問卷調查統計分析之方式,一共萃取出七個關鍵影響因素分別為:(1)系統品質;(2)資訊品質;(3)簡化管理與維護;(4)資源整合;(5)節省支出;(6)便於部署、測試與開發;(7)組織共識。 本研究藉由問卷調查的方式,了解及掌握資訊人員對於企業導入虛擬化資訊環境之關鍵影響因素,以有效的整合企業各方面的資源,期望在使用最少資源且在資訊人員的充分理解與配合下,協助企業快速的導入虛擬化資訊環境。


Since technology of information has kept progressing, providing enterprise numerous information services, causing a space occupation for more servers, it not only increases persecution of management, but also consumes more energy waste. Due to economic cycle fluctuation and environmental protection issue rises, enterprise must reduce cost in every aspect. In the mean time, there is virtualization technology, enterprise can use virtualization technology to implement server consolidation. Virtualization not only reduces the number of servers, the use of computer room, it also reduces the use of power and cooling. This research as the view of IT staff in Taiwan to discuss key factors for enterprise to implement virtualization information environment, collect the entire each kind of factors possibility to affect adoption virtualization information environment, than select method of the questionnaire survey statistical analysis, all extract 7 key factor respectively is:(1) System Quality; (2) Information Quality; (3) Simplified management and maintenance; (4) Resources integration; (5) Saves the disbursement; (6) Easy to deploy, test and development; (7) Organizational consensus。 This research through the questionnaire survey to understand and master the IT staff to key factors of enterprise adoption virtualization information environment, so as to effective integration of all aspects of corporate resources, expect to use the least resources and with full understanding of IT staff, to assist companies to quickly adopt virtualization information environment.


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