  • 學位論文


Design of Quality System for Automatic Rice Grain Sieving Machine

指導教授 : 葉隆吉


本論文將詳述一稻穀品質自動檢測機台的設計與開發過程,此機台將符合台灣農業碾米廠稻米品質檢測之所需,可作為收購農友稻穀時的客觀參考依據。完整的稻穀品質特性包含:糙米成品率、粗糠成品率、米糠成品率、白米成品率、一等米成品率、大碎米成品率、小碎米成品率及容重量和含水量。除後面兩項另有專用儀器測定外,前七項均可在本研究開發的系統中以全自動方式測得數據。 本研究過程經三階段:第一階段先對所使用的礱穀機及精米機和篩檢機進行特性測試及改良,確定各機台的各項特性,並對機台做適當的機構改裝。第二階段為改善機台與機台間的干涉問題,此階段對各機台進行改良並開發新機構以建置一手動操作的機台。第三階段以筆電控制機台運作為目標,以Vitiual Basic撰寫人機介面程式結合PIC晶片18F4520,控制整體機台的運作,達到自動化的目標。經過以上階段性開發,透過數據的分析,確定機台對稻穀的品質特性,是符合正常篩檢流程該有的結果。 本研究最後完成一台以筆電為控制核心的稻穀品質自動檢測機台,並在米廠通過實地測試,証實本機台可正確的測得稻穀七大品質特性。


This paper will detail an automatic rice-quality inspection machine design and development process, this machine will meet Taiwan's agriculture rice milling plant of the required quality testing can be used as rice farmers when the acquisition of objective reference. Complete rice quality characteristics include: brown rice yield, yield rice hull, rice bran yield, rice yield, rice yield first-class, second-class rice yield, third-class rice yield and specific gravity of rice and water content . In addition to the back of two separate determination of special equipment, the front seven can be found in this study developed a system to automatic mode the measured data. The research process through three stages: the first phase, the study will do the test and refine on the use of characteristics for Husker machine milled rice machine and screen machine , to determine the characteristics of each machine, to do the appropriate body modification for machines. The second stage is to improve the interference between machines, each machine will be at this stage station was improved and the development of new institutions to build a manually operated machine. The third phase will document the operation of electrical controls for the target machine to Vitiual Basic HMI combined writing PIC chip 18F4520, control the overall operation of the machine to achieve automation goals. After the above development stages, through data analysis to determine the machine's quality characteristics of rice is in the normal screening process and some results. Finally , this study can complete a core laptop for the control of automatic quality inspection of rice machine and did the test in the agriculture rice milling plant of Taitung Chian Hsing , confirmed that the machine can correct the seven rice quality parameters measured .


[3]互動百科, 梗米-與糯米、秈米的区别
