  • 學位論文


Synthesis of Bundled Data Asynchronous Circuits

指導教授 : 鄭福炯


單軌(Bundled data)非同步電路具有省電、低成本以及Low EMI(電磁干擾)的優點,然而實現單軌電路卻有下列問題:其一,資料寫入時存在時序違反(Timing violations)問題,資料和Clock訊號線,須符合時序限制(Setup time及Hold time constraints);其二,Balsa選擇Bundled data轉換的電路,在FPGA內實現,電路運作結果不正確;其三,Balsa電路模組不是參數化的設計方式,在延遲匹配(Delay matching)上需Case by Case。 因此,對於Balsa的電路元件,本論文提供參數化(Parameter)的Bundled data Library,方便容易的調整延遲,並改善原始電路的複雜性;再者,以Java語言設計合成工具,讓Balsa Breeze電路轉換成參數化的Gate-level Netlist;最後可選擇性地提供Debug訊號,根據模擬結果查看違反時序限制(Timing constraints)的訊號。 將合成轉換後的電路,配合Bundled data Library,在Alter Quartus II 9.0編譯在FPGA的實驗結果顯示,合成後的Balsa 單軌碼電路,和Balsa 雙軌碼以及Altera C2H電腦輔助設計工具的同步電路做比較,在電路成本、功率消耗以及速度上,均有相當的優勢與改善。


Bundled data asynchronous circuits have the following advantages: low power consumption, low cost and low EMI (electromagnetic interference) compared to other types of circuits. To realize bundled data circuits, however, we must solve the following issues: first, how to add matched delays to the datapath latches or to fix timing violations (setup and hold time constraints) if edge-triggered flip flops are used. Second, how to deal with missing handshake components due to synchronous circuit optimization tool (such as Quartus). Third, how to design a parameterized handshake components to facilitate system design, debug and delay adjustment. In this thesis, we develop a CAD tool written in Java to synthesize Balsa Breeze circuits into debugable bundled data asynchronous circuits based on a set of parameterized handshake components. The circuits are tested and verified in Altera Quartus II 9.0 and a DE2 FPGA board. The experimental results show that our bundled data asynchronous circuits outperform dual-rail asynchronous and Altera C2H synchronous circuits in terms of circuit cost, power consumption and speed.


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