  • 學位論文


Strategic Analysis of Telecom Business Model at the Circumstances of Digital Convergence

指導教授 : 羅麗珠


由於數位科技及網際網路技術不斷進步讓原本獨立的電信、固網及有線電視間的界線模糊;在數位科技的趨勢下,業者陸續提供語音、數據、影音三者匯流的整合服務,為電信業帶來無限商機,也造成電信業的競爭更加劇烈。本研究從電信相關產業的分析,數位匯流發展成功案例及其經營模式來做分析,分析其經營模式及競爭策略,並藉由Google及Appple等著名企業,分析探討其經營模式及策略,希望透過非同質企業間的分析比較來發掘適合電信業採用的經營模式或策略。本研究獲得: 一. 創新且獨特的經營模式是企業經營成功的關鍵因素。 二. 電信業者在固網或行動的頻寬應該繼續成長,以提供更有效率的數位匯流服務。 三. 業者的決勝點在於推動加值服務,增加服務內容將是重要的收益來源。 四. 透過吸取國外電信業及其他產業的經驗可以縮短發展的時間


The business model has become complex comprising telecommunication, fixed Network and cable TV due to the integration of digital and internet technologies. The service providers continue to offer various packages for voice, data, multimedia consolidated services. The circumstances create the new business opportunities as well as the competitions in telecommunication industry. This study has investigated the impact of technology evolution to the telecom industry and its business model. The rising strategy for these succeeding stories. This including the leading enterprise in the past, such as Google and Apple, etc… It is hoped that using these methods through the comparison in non-homogeneous industries, it will present different strategy or policy for Telecommunication industry. The study found: 1. An innovative and unique business model is crucial to the success of the business. 2. In order to have an effective service a bandwidth is necessary to be provided. The service provides in the fixed network or action of should continue to grow, to provide digital convergence services. 3. Abundant service content is the key successful factor to maintain the growth of the business. Promote of add-in value of services, increase the service contents and income. 4. The successful story of an advanced telecommunication industry shortened the learning curve of a late comer.


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