  • 學位論文


Market Segmentation in Banking Industry:The Relationship among Variables of Demographic and Lifestyles and Desired Bank Benefits

指導教授 : 孫碧娟


台灣地區之金融業發展至今已有百餘年歷史,可想而知金融服務業在台灣經濟發展中所扮演的重要角色,由於金融自由化與國際化,整體銀行業逐步演變成現今的競爭市場。在眾多銀行的激烈競爭下,可存活下來的金融機構關鍵就在於要如何去維護好本身原有的客源,以及增加可吸引新顧客之誘因。然而,2008年衝擊全球的金融風暴,卻使民眾的財富遭受損失,因此銀行業必須比以往付出更多的心力,來挽回甚至是開拓新的客源,這對銀行業者而言將是相當重要的課題。 本研究乃是以銀行顧客之人口統計與生活型態之族群特性為市場區隔之研究基礎,嘗試從顧客的觀點去瞭解影響顧客想要的銀行利益為何,分別找出其在與銀行往來時想要之利益的差異性、探究不同市場區隔之顧客在對銀行之選擇有何需求及偏好,進一步建立未來金融機構業者在設計市場區隔策劃時的正確方針,希望研究結果可以提供給銀行業者一些參考。 本研究以便利抽樣方式,針對有銀行往來經驗之18歲以上之台灣民眾進行問卷調查。共發出350份,回收217份,回收率為62%,其中扣除填答不完整之32份之後,有效問卷為185份,有效問卷率為52%。利用因素分析所萃取出之11個因素構面做為集群分析的區隔變數,研究結果如下: 一、市場區隔下顧客所重視的銀行利益會有所不同。 二、人口統計變數對顧客想要的銀行利益有顯著影響。 三、生活型態對顧客想要的銀行利益有顯著影響。 本研究實證結果顯示,在顧客與銀行往來的關係中,銀行針對市場區隔為顧客提供他們各別所需的銀行利益,比目前市場中千篇一律,僅供顧客單方面去選擇較適合自己的往來銀行來的重要,銀行應該由被動提升為主動出擊,創造出顧客真正所需之銀行利益,這點與Berman與Evans(1978)也認為人口統計變數與生活型態變數是影響消費者決策的主要變數的研究結果一致,另外,對銀行而言,顧客的人口統計變數與生活型態不同之重要性,也會因市場區隔的不同而異,這些研究結果均具有管理意涵,值得金融服務業者參考。


It has been more than 100 years since the financial industry in Taiwan developed up to now. The financial service industry plays an important role in Taiwan economy. Due to the deregulation and internationalization, the degree of competition of banking industry was intensified. The key factor to survive under such intense competition is to maintain the existing customers and increase incentives to attract new customers. This study is taking the demographic variables and lifestyle characteristic of bank customers as the base of market segmentation from customers' point of view. Bank service users who are above 18 years old were asked to answer the questions about desired benefits of bank service. One hundred and eighty five of 350 questionnaires collected and the effective response rate was 52%. The cluster analysis was conducted by using the 11 factor dimensions extracted from factor analysis as segmentation variables. The research results are summarized as below: 1. It reveals that customers in different market segmentation prefer different bank benefits. 2. The demographic variables play an important role in customers choosing their desired bank benefit. 3. The lifestyle plays an important role in customers choosing their desired bank benefit. The empirical results of this study reveal that it is important that bank offer different benefit for customers in different market segmentation. The bank should active to create the benefit which the customers really need. This finding is consist with the conclusion of the paper written by Berman & Evans(1978),which indicated the demographic variables and lifestyles are the main reasons affect people’s decision.


財政部金融局網站 www.boma.gov.tw
林芳燕,大台北地區青年消費者(25~35 歲)對財經雜誌之消費行為與可應用行銷策略之研究,淡江大學國際貿易學系國際企業學研究所未出版碩士論文,2006。
林季葦,銀行服務品質與顧客滿意度之研究,國立成功大學統計學研究所未出版之碩士論文, 2006。
